• Cultural Anthropology Program Coordinator
  • Associate Professor
Research Areas
  • Cultural Anthropology
Michael Alvard


Courses Taught:

  • ANTH 205 – Peoples and Cultures of the World
  • ANTH 201 – Introduction to Anthropology
  • ANTH 360 – Human Evolutionary Ecology
  • ANTH  424 – Introduction to Human Evolutionary Anthropology

Educational Background

  • PhD, University of New Mexico, 1993

Research Interests

    • Culture and biology
    • Cooperation
    • Human evolutionary ecology
    • Horticulturalists
    • Hunters and gatherers
    • Local people and environmental issues
    • Adaptation to the tropics

Selected Publications

    • 2015 Alvard M, Carlson D, McGaffey E (2015) Using a Partial Sum Method and GPS Tracking Data to Identify Area Restricted Search by Artisanal Fishers at Moored Fish Aggregating Devices in the Commonwealth of Dominica. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0115552. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115552

    • 2014 Alvard, M., E. McGaffey, and D. Carlson. (2014) A Method for Measuring Fishing Effort by Small-scale Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) Fishers from the Commonwealth of Dominica. Field Methods 27 issue: 3, page(s): 300-315. 1525822X14552221

    • 2012 Henrich J, Boyd R, McElreath R, Gurven M, Richerson PJ, Ensminger J, Alvard M, Barr A, Barrett C, Bolyanatz A et al. 2012. Culture does account for variation in game behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(2):E32-E33

    • 2011 Alvard, M. Genetic and Cultural Kinship among the Lamaleran Whale Hunters. Human Nature 22(1):89-107

    • 2009 Alvard, M. Kinship and Cooperation – The Axe Fight Revisited. Human Nature, 20:1-23