Curry Kennedy
  • Assistant Professor


Curry Kennedy joined the English Faculty in 2023. His work focuses on religious rhetorical imaginaries, especially in the early modern period.

Research Interests

  • rhetorical education
  • rhetoric and religion
  • the history of rhetoric
  • renaissance humanism
  • the history of writing instruction, style, and folly


Areas of Specialty

  • Early Modern Studies
  • Religion
  • Rhetoric

Educational Background

  • M.A. and Ph.D. Penn State University (2021)
  • B.A. English, Creative Writing, University of Arkansas (2015)

Selected Publications

    • “Living the Vita Copiosa: Erasmus’s De duplici copia and the Presence of the Protean Jesus at St. Paul’s School,” Journal for the History of Rhetoric 24.2, 2021, pp. 117-139.
    • “‘Not Instruction, but Provocation’: Clarity, the Divinity School Controversy,
      and Emerson’s Rhetorical Imaginary of Provocative Obscurity,” College English 82.4, 2020, pp. 381-409.
    • “Milton’s Ethos, English Nationhood, and the Fast-Day Tradition in Areopagitica,” Studies in Philology 116.2, 2019, pp. 375-400.