Lindsey Jones
  • Ph.D. Program


Lindsey is a PhD student at Texas A&M University. She received her MA in English from Georgia College & State University and her BA in English and European History from Washington and Lee University. Her scholarly interests include early modern English drama, digital humanities, history of the book, materiality, and canonicity. Her dissertation, tentatively titled “‘With the losers let it sympathize’: Shakespeare in Collection and the Formation of the Canon,” focuses on the relationship between seventeenth-century printed collections of Shakespeare’s works and the creation of the early modern dramatic canon.


  • Maria Edgeworth Letters Project Graduate Fellow (2023)
  • Graduate Assistant Teaching (2023-24)
  • “Locating Meaning in the Paratexts of A Merrie Dialogue, Betweene Band, Cuffe, and Ruffe.” Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting (March 2023)
  • “‘And yaf hym to the queene, al at hir wille’: Queenly Intercession in Chaucer” International Congress on Medieval Studies, virtual (May 2022)
  • Hagler Institute for Advanced Study HEEP Graduate Fellow (2021-23)
  • “Taking Stock: William Caxton’s Manuscripts and the Concept of English Readership.” English Perceptions of the Material Text: 1300-1600 symposium, virtual (December 2021)
  • Early Modern Dramatic Paratexts Graduate Fellow (2021)
  • “‘Am I not king?’: Reconsidering Regicide in Richard II.” South Central Renaissance Conference, virtual (March 2021)
  • Graduate Assistant Teaching (2020-21)
  • World Shakespeare Bibliography Doctoral Fellow (2019-20)

Research Interests

  • Digital Humanities
  • Early Modern Studies
  • History of the Book and Textual Studies
  • Linguistics and History of the English Language

Educational Background

  • M.A., Georgia College & State University, 2017
  • B.A., Washington and Lee University, 2009