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 The Digital Learning unit serves faculty as they incorporate innovative and inclusive pedagogies and emerging instructional technologies into their courses to better serve the needs of 21st century learners. These new and innovative teaching strategies will also equip students with the skills that employers need our students to develop as a part of their school and college curriculum to function, perform and succeed in this rapidly-changing, technologically-enhanced and highly-interconnected world.

This unit will assist faculty in developing online courses as well as incorporating innovative pedagogical methods and technologies in face-face, hybrid and flipped classrooms.

  • LMS (Canvas)
  • LTIs (third-party tools)
  • Multimedia Support – videos and audio podcasts, video captioning
  • Course Design and Re-Design – flipped, hybrid, online, active learning strategies
For information on Canvas, tools, support options and multimedia scheduling, please go to the Digital Learning page on the Arts and Sciences Intranet.

Digital Learning Team

Kim Ritchie

  • Director of Digital Learning
Kim Ritchie

Emma Simoni

  • Instructional Designer to the Digital Learning Team
Emma Simoni

Shawn Eyre

  • Multimedia Production Specialist
Shawn Eyre