Allegra Midgette
  • Assistant Professor
Research Areas
  • Diversity Science
  • Social & Personality Psychology


Professional Links

Research Interests

Dr. Midgette’s research investigates the origins and social processes that support individuals in developing an understanding of justice and learning how to care for others in an inequitable and unjust world. Her work addresses two key questions: How do we come to care about each other and about justice within the family? How do we become just in the face of inequality?

To investigate these questions, Dr. Midgette employs a mixed methodology that places the experiential reality of children and their families at the forefront. The long-term goal of her work is to characterize how cultural, societal, and family practice influence individual moral development, with the ultimate aim of supporting the creation of interventions that contribute to individuals’ development into more caring and just individuals.

Affiliated Research Cluster

Diversity Science. Justice within the family; justice in the face of inequality; cultural, societal, and family practices that influence moral development.

Office Hours: By appointment (virtual)

Accepting Students for 2024-2025?: Yes

Selected Publications

    • Midgette, A., Ma, DY., Stowe, L., & Chernyak, N. (2023). US and Chinese Preschoolers Normalize Household Labor Inequality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). First published online.
    • Midgette, A., Liu, J., & Onyishi, I. (2023). Beyond Equality between a Couple: A Cross-Cultural Investigation into Heterosexual Young Adult’s Expectations for Future Family Labor. Sex Roles. First published online.
    • Midgette, A., Anderson, G., Geiger, S., Slawon, R., Derrow, B., &  Mulvey, K.L. (2023). How College Students in the United States Make Sense of Examples of Gender and Intersectional Microaggressions in Classroom Settings.  Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. First published online.
    • McConnon, A., Midgette, A., & Conry-Murray, C. (2022). Mother like mothers and work like fathers: U.S. heterosexual college students’ assumptions about who should meet childcare and housework demands. Sex Roles, 86(1-2), 49-66.
    • Midgette, A., & Mulvey, K.L. (2022). White American students’ recognition of racial microaggressions in higher education. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. First Published Online.
    • Midgette, A., & Mulvey, K.L. (2022). White American students’ recognition of racial microaggressions in higher education. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.