Mark Packard
  • Professor
Research Areas
  • Affective Science
  • Behavioral & Cellular Neuroscience



Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00-11:00 in ILSB 3149B

Accepting Students for 2024-2025?: Yes

Memberships: Institute for Neuroscience

Research Interests

The primary focus of research in our laboratory is on the neurobiological bases of memory. Evidence indicates that memory is not a unitary phenomenon, but instead is organized in multiple brain systems that differ in terms of the type of memory they mediate. Our research emphasizes identification of neural structures mediating different forms of memory, investigation of the neurochemical bases of multiple memory systems, and elucidation of the psychological operating principles that distinguish different types of memory. In particular, we have dissociated the role of the mammalian hippocampus and basal ganglia in cognitive and habit, memory processes, respectively, and investigated the role of dopaminergic, cholinergic, and glutamatergic neurotransmission in these forms of memory. Other findings from our laboratory suggest that a third brain structure, the amygdala, plays a general modulatory role in memory, such that activation of this structure influences both hippocampal-dependent and striatal-dependent memory storage processes. Additional research interests include examination of hormonal influences on cognition, and the interaction of sex steroids with brain reward systems. A long-range goal of our research is to understand the implications that a multiple systems hypothesis of memory organization has for several areas of psychological research.

Affiliated Research Cluster

Neuroscience & Affective Science. Neurobiology of memory; multiple memory systems; acquisition and expression of learned behavior; rodent models.

Selected Publications

    • Goodman, J., Ressler, R., Packard, M. G.  Enhancing and impairing extinction of habit memory through modulation of NMDA receptor activity in the dorsolateral striatum.  Neuroscience, 352, 216-225, 2017.

    • Goodman, J., Gabriele, A., Packard, M. G. Differential effects of neural inactivation of the dorsolateral striatum on response and latent extinction.  Behavioral Neuroscience, 313, 143-148, 2017.

    • Packard, M. G., Ressler, R., Goodman, J. Emotional modulation of habit memory: Neural mechanisms and implications for psychopathology. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 20, 25-32, 2018.

    • Goodman, J. Packard, M. G., The role of the dorsal striatum in extinction: A memory systems perspective.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 150, 48-55, 2018.

    • Goodman, J., Packard, M. G.  There is more than one kind of extinction learning.  Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 13, 2019. Impact Factor: 3.92