Mindy Bergman
  • Department Head, APA & SIOP Fellow
  • Professor
Research Areas
  • Diversity Science
  • Industrial/Organizational

Research Interests

My research interests fall into two major categories: (1) occupational health psychology and (2) organizational commitment. Within occupational health psychology, I investigate the effects of organizational climate on workplace behaviors and individual well-being. Two major themes encompassed by this general research program are: (a) diversity and (b) safety. Regarding diversity, my research examines why people from underrepresented, minority, or lower power demographic groups are mistreated more often than the majority. This research has also influenced my service to the university, with a focus on diversity and inclusion in general and within undergraduate programs in particular. Within the safety domain, my research (in collaboration with Stephanie Payne) focuses on factors that influence safety climate and how safety climate has both leading (i.e., predictor) and lagging (i.e., criterion) relationships with unsafe workplace events.

Affiliated Research Cluster

Diversity Science. Stigma; organizational climate; well-being.

Office Hours: By appointment

Accepting Students for 2024-2025?: Yes

Selected Publications

    • Bergman, M.E. (2019). Ending harassment is more about changing power structures than about training. Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 12, 42-47.
    • Bergman, M.E., & Payne, S.C. (2018). Interdisciplinary collaborations facilitate safety climate research. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 56, 204-208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlp.2018.08.007
    • Xu, X., Payne, S.C., & Bergman, M.E. (2018). The measurement equivalence of a safety climate measure across five faultlines. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 121, 321-334.
    • Miner, K.N., Walker, J.M., Jean, V.A., Bergman, M.E., & Kaunas, C. (2018). From “her” problem to “our” problem: Using an individual lens vs. a social-structural lens to understand gender inequity in STEM. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 11, 267-290. doi:10.1017/iop.2018.7
    • Bergman, M.E. (2018). Police shootings and race in the United States: Why the perpetrator predation perspective is essential to I-O psychology’s role in ending this crisis. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 11, 151-157.