Christopher Nowotarski
  • Associate Professor
Research Areas
  • Climate Dynamics & Change


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Additional Information

Recent Presentations and Extended Abstracts

Nowotarski, C. J., R. Cheatham, S. Overpeck, and R. Edwards, 2018: “Comparison of tornadic and nontornadic convective cells in Hurricane Harvey.” AMS 29th Conf. on Severe Local Storms,Stowe, Vermont. 

Nowotarski, C. J., 2017: “Effects of resolved boundary layer turbulence on near-ground rotation in quasi-linear convective systems (QLCSs)” AGU 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans,Louisiana.

Nowotarski, C. J., 2017: “Influence of boundary layer turbulence on near-ground rotation in quasi-linear convective systems (QLCSs)” AMS 17th Conf. on Mesoscale Processes, San Diego, California.

Nowotarski, C. J., and F. R. Guarriello, 2016: “Surface layer influences on simulated Supercell thunderstorms.” AMS 28th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Portland, Oregon.

C. J. Nowotarski, 2015: “Job hunting experience in mesoscale meteorology” 16th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, American Meteorological Society, Boston, Massachusetts.

Nowotarski, C. J. and A. A. Jensen, 2014: “Objective classification of supercell environments using  multivariate self-organizing maps for research and forecasting.” Preprints, AMS 27th Conference on Severe Local Storms. Madison, Wisconsin. 

C. J. Nowotarski, 2013: "Assessing boundary layer influences on supercell thunderstorms through idealized simulations," Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Nowotarski, C. J., P. M. Markowski, Y. P. Richardson, and G. H. Bryan, 2013: "Understanding the effects of horizontal convective rolls on the organization of low-level vorticity in simulated supercell thunderstorms," 7th European Conference on Severe Storms, Helsinki, Finland.

C. J. Nowotarski, 2012: "Improving the realism of idealized supercell simulations: starting from the ground up," Frank Talk, Department of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University.

Nowotarski, C. J., P. M. Markowski, Y. P. Richardson, and G. H. Bryan, 2012: "The influence of horizontal convective rolls on the morphology of low-level rotation in idealized simulations of supercell thunderstorms," Preprints. AMS 26th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Nashville, Tennessee. 

"For a full list of publications and presentations please see my CV 

Research Interests

My research is geared towards developing a better understanding of the structure and dynamics of convective storms in midlatitudes with the ultimate goal of improving prediction of such events and their attendant hazards.  Though I am interested in severe convection of all forms, my current research is focused on supercell thunderstorms, particularly the development of low-level rotation in these storms as it relates to tornado genesis.  Our principal tools for these investigations are idealized simulations using cloud-resolving computer models compared with analyses of observed data collected both operationally and through research field experiments.  My research group has other active research in areas including:  Southeastern United States tornado environments, tropical cyclone tornadoes, teleconnection signals and large-scale influences of severe weather events, machine learning techniques for probabilistic forecasting, data assimilation in convection-allowing forecast models, and collaborative research in modeling effects of permafrost changes on Arctic meteorology.  For a full description of our ongoing research, please visit my research page.


Educational Background

  • Ph.D. Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University
  • M.S. Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University
  • B.S. Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University

Selected Publications