Amazing Biology Students

Mary Janecka is a former graduate student in the Charles Criscione lab at Texas A&M Biology. She received her Ph.D. from TAMU in 2019 with her dissertation work on the delisted concho water snake that is endemic to the Colorado River drainage in Texas.

A student in the Versaw Lab, Abira works on spatial distribution of inorganic phosphate in Arabidopsis roots.

A student in the Smith Lab, Adam works on the discovery, purification, and characterization of novel antibiotics from natural sources.

A student in the Versaw Lab, Aditi works on understanding modulation and consequences of inorganic phosphate (Pi) concentration in chloroplasts of plants.

A Ph.D. Candidate in the Riley lab, Amy studies inner ear development in zebrafish. Amy studies transcription factors regulating sensory and neural parts of the ear, and recently won the Doctoral Category of the TAMU 3 Minute Thesis Competition where she presented a three minute synopsis of her dissertation work.

A graduating Ph.D. Student in the Adam Jones Lab, Andrew studies sexual selection and evolution in fishes.

A student in the Lockless Lab, Ashley studies E. coli membrane potential modulations.

A student in the Lockless and Kao Labs, Jibran works on developing strategies which can help transcribe a heterologous DNA cluster by overcoming intrinsic terminators in E. coli.

A Ph.D. Candidate in the Garcia lab, Jimmy studies how metabolism affects neurology and behavior in C. elegans.

A Ph.D. Candidate in the Menet lab, Joshua studies rhythmic gene expression in the circadian clock using a mouse model.

A Graduate Student in the Lockless lab, Katrina studies how bacterial ion channels affect cell physiology.

A student in the Garcia Lab, Kyoungsun works on identifying the mechanism of how cells regulate their metabolisms to maintain their functionality.

A student in the Dulin Lab, Prakruthi works on understanding the maladaptive hyperactivity of pain neurons after spinal cord injury.

A student in the Gomer Lab, Yu works on the mechanism of extracellular polyphosphate induced proliferation inhibition in Dictyostelium discoideum.

A Graduate Student in the Garcia lab, Yufeng studies neurobiology and mating behaviors of males in C. elegans.

A student in the Bell-Pedersen Lab, Zhaolan works on circadian clocks in Neurospora crassa.