Sara Maynard
  • Graduate Student, Griffing Lab
  • President, BioGSA

Research Interests

  • Plant Cell Biology
  • Organelle Dynamics
  • Plant Calcium Signaling
  • Light Microscopy
  • Biological Imaging

Educational Background

  • B.S., Molecular and Cell Biology, Texas A&M University. 2017
  • Ph. D. Molecular and Environmental Plant Science, In Progress, Texas A&M University.

Selected Publications

  • Presentations:

    • 22nd Plant Biology Symposium, Plant Cell Dynamics VIII, State College, PA June 2019
      Poster and Talk: "Calcium Signaling from the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Chloroplast-Plasma Membrane Encounter Structure"
    • 2019 RMS Botanical Microscopy, Oxford, UK Apr. 2019
      Talk: "Calcium Signaling from the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Chloroplast-Plasma Membrane Encounter Structure"
    • TAMU Student PostDoc Research Conference, College Station, TX Sept. 2018
      Data Blitz Talk: "Calcium Signaling from the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Chloroplast-Plasma Membrane Encounter Structure"
    • Midwest Plant Cell Dynamics Meeting, Madison, WI, May 2018
      Poster and Talk: "Calcium Signaling from the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Chloroplast-Plasma Membrane Encounter Structure"