N. Benton Parish
  • Instructional Assistant Professor



Dr. N. Benton Parish, PhD. in an assistant instructional professor in the department of communication at Texas A&M University. She teaches courses in strategic communication, social media, media campaigns, and public speaking.

Dr. Parish is the faculty adviser for Public Relations Student Society of America, Lambda Pi Eta Honors Society, and HER Campus. Additionally, Dr. Parish is on the National Advisory Board for Lambda Pi Eta.

She received her PhD in higher education administration with a minor in public relations from the University of Florida in 2013, her MA in public relations and sports communication from the University of Florida in 2003, and her BS in speech communication from Syracuse University in 1998. Dr. Parish received her second PhD in 2024 from Duquesne University majoring in rhetoric and philosophy of communication with an emphasis in corporate communication and integrated marketing communication. Her dissertation concerned St. Edith Stein’s phenomenology of authentic womanhood.

She is a member of the Sigma Alpha Pi Leadership Honor Society.

Dr. Parish has over 15 years professional experience in public relations, integrated marketing communication, and sports broadcasting.

Courses Taught

  • COMM 203:  Public Speaking
  • COMM 275:  Social Media
  • COMM 304:  Digital Communication Analytics and Metrics
  • COMM 321:  Strategic Communication Case Studies
  • COMM 322: Strategic Communication Tactics
  • COMM 323:  Strategic Communication
  • COMM 350:  Media Campaigns
  • COMM 476:  Advanced Social Media

Representative Service

  •  Advisor, PRSSA, LPE, and HER Campus
  •  Event Planner for CMJR LPE Induction Ceremony and Honors celebration.

Research Interests

  • Communication & Media Science
  • Humanities & Critical/Cultural Studies

Selected Publications

    • Parish, N. Benton, Edith Stein's contribution to communication ethics. In R. H. Woods, Jr. (Ed), Words and Wisdom, (Vol. 2), Hendrickson Publishers. (forthcoming).
    • Darnell, M. & Parish, N. Benton, (2023). Respect, dialogue, and innovation: creating new ideas and solutions by committing to an ethical culture. In N. Pfeffermann & M. Schaller (Eds.), New Leadership Communication - Inspire Your Horizon: World Lecture. Taylor and Francis. (pp. 127-136). Springer.
    • Parish, N. Benton (2021) St. Edith Stein’s characteristics of femininity and the role of faith and reason in the natural development of woman. Communication Research Trends, 40(3) 29-36.  
    • Parish, N. Benton (2021) The Media’s shaping of Pope Francis’ interview in America, The National Catholic WeeklyJournal of Media and Religion. In J. Blaney (Ed.), Understanding Pope Francis: Message, Medium, and Audience (pp. 143-160). Roman & Littlefield. 
    • Mendoza, P, Malcolm, Z., & Parish, N.B. (2015). The ecology of student retention: Undergraduate students and the Great Recession. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 16(4), 461-485. 
    • Choi, Y., Starr, W. J., Kim, K., & Parish, N. (2014). Who is wonder woman? Gender stereotypes and heroism in television commercials. Media Report to Women, 42(1), 12-18. 
    • Mitrook, M.A., Parish, N.B., & Seltzer, T. (2008). From advocacy to accommodation: A case study of the Orlando Magic’s public relations efforts to secure a new arena. Public Relations Review 34(2), 161-168.