Richard L.  Street, Jr.
  • Professor



Research Gate IconTAMU ScholarDr. Street’s research focuses on clinician-patient communication, pathways linking communication to improved health outcomes, and strategies for increasing patient involvement in care. His research and teaching awards include Outstanding Health Communication Scholar the International Communication Association, L. Donohew Health Communication Scholar Award from the University of Kentucky, TAMU AFS Distinguished Achievement Awards in Teaching and Research, and George L. Engel award from the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare.

Click here to listen to Dr. Street discusses his research, practice, and teaching of effective healthcare communication for clinicians.


Teaching Philosophy:
As a teacher, Dr. Street believes teaching is more about how students learn to produce and think, and less about how to recite or memorize. At the graduate level he works with students to help them produce first authored publications and conference presentations. At the undergraduate level he embraces engaged learning that typically manifests itself in field research, service learning activities, and group projects.

Courses Taught

  • COMM 305: Communication Theory
  • COMM 308: Communication Research Methods
  • COMM 315: Interpersonal Communication
  • COMM 370: Health Communication
  • COMM 669: Survey of Health Communication (graduate level)
  • COMM 670: Clinician-Patient Communication and Health Outcomes

Research Interests

  • Communication & Media Science
  • Journalism & Media Practices
  • Health Communication

Selected Publications

    • R.L Street, Jr, E. Spears, S. Madrid, & K. Mazor (2019) Cancer survivors’ experiences with breakdowns in patient-centered communication.  Psycho-Oncology, 28, 423-429.
    • R.L. Street Jr., L. Liu, N.J. Farber, Y. Chen, A. Calvitti, N. Weibel, M.T. Gabuzda, K. Bell, B. Gray, S. Rick, S. Ashfaq, & Z. Agha (2018).  Keystrokes, mouse clicks, and gazing at the computer: How physician interaction with the EHR affects patient participation. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 33, 423-428.
    • R.L. Street, Jr. (2017) The many “disguises” of patient-centered communication: Problems of conceptualization and measurement.  Patient Education and Counseling, 100, 2131-2134.
    • R.L. Street, Jr., G. Elwyn, & R.M. Epstein. (2012) Patient preferences and health outcomes:  An ecological perspective.  Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 12, 167-180.
    • R.L. Street, Jr., G. Makoul, N. Arora, & R.M. Epstein. (2009) How does communication heal? Pathways linking clinician-patient communication to health outcomes. Patient Education and Counseling, 74, 295-301.
    • R.M Epstein & R.L. Street, Jr. (2007) Patient-centered communication in cancer care: Promoting healing and reducing suffering. National Cancer Institute, NIH Publ. No. 07-6225. Bethesda, MD.