David Sparks
  • Professor
Research Areas
  • Environmental & Engineering Geology & Geophysics



  • GEOP 478/678 Earth Science Modeling
  • GEOL 210 Geological Communication
  • GEOP 489 Planetquest
  • GEOL 310 Planetary Geology
  • GEOP 470 Computational Geophysics

Research Interests

Mathematical and numerical modeling of dynamic geophysical and geochemical systems; past and current problems include:

  • Dynamics of granular systems, particularly in fault zones and landslides
  • Pressure solution
  • Thermal evolution and differentiation of icy solar system bodies
  • Fluid flow through permeable solids
  • Magma generation and mantle convection

Research Focus

  • Numerical Modeling
  • Geodynamics
  • Granular Materials
  • Differentiation

Educational Background

  • PhD, Brown University, 1992

Selected Publications

  • Knicely, J., M. E. Everett, D. W. Sparks (2017), Magnetic anomalies on Io and their relationship to the spatial distribution of volcanic centers, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 269, 133-147.

  • He, W., D. Sparks and A. Hajash, (2013), Reactive transport at stressed grain contacts and creep compaction of quartz sand, J. Geophys. Res, 118.

  • Makedonska, N., D. W. Sparks, and E. Aharonov (2011) Friction vs. dilation revisited: insights from theoretical and numerical models, J. Geophys. Res., 116.

  • Magde, L., D. W. Sparks, and R. S. Detrick, (1997) The relationship between three-dimensional buoyant mantle flow, melt migration, and gravity bull's-eyes at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 33°N and 35°N, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett.,148, 59-67.

  • Sparks, D. W., and E. M Parmentier, (1991) Melt extraction from the mantle beneath spreading centers, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 105,  368-377.