Manuel Antonio Grajales


Chair: Dr. Felipe Hinojosa

Research Interests

My research investigates how Puerto Ricans established interracial alliances in New York City to oppose military service from the 1940s until the early 1970s. I examine how Puerto Ricans developed a civil rights strategy that rejected the notion of military service as the method to attain social and economic equality. Instead, anti-war action emphasized how Puerto Ricans responded and shaped concepts of citizenship and identity in opposition to U.S. colonialism, militarization, and social and economic inequalities.

Awards & Honors

  • Accomplishments

    • Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship Recipient, 2021-2022
    • Carlos H. Cantu Graduate Fellow
    • Participant, Voces Oral History Summer Institute
    • Graduate Archival Intern, Special Collections, Texas A&M University-Commerce