• Graduate Placement Director
  • Professor
Research Areas
  • Latinx & Mexican American
  • Gender & Sexuality
  • Public History
  • Phone: 979-845-7151
  • Email: soniah@tamu.edu
  • Office: Melbern G. Glasscock Building, 303B
  • Document: CV
Sonia Hernandez

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., University of Houston 2006

Research Interests

  • Dr. Sonia Hernández received the Ph.D in Latin American History from the University of Houston in 2006. She specializes in the intersections of gender and labor in the U.S.-Mexican Borderlands, Chicana/o history, and Modern Mexico. She is co-founder of the AHA, OAH, and WHA award-winning public history project, Refusing to Forget (refusingtoforget.org). She has published in Spanish and English; her first book, Working Women into the Borderlands (Texas A&M University Press, 2014), earned three book prizes and was translated and published by the INHERM (Mexico City) and ITCA (Tamaulipas) in 2017. Her book “For a Just and Better World”: Engendering Anarchism in the Mexican Borderlands, 1900-1938 (University of Illinois Press, 2021) recovers the history of an anarcho-syndicalist network anchored in the Gulf of Mexico region with links to other parts of the globe; promoting ideas about worker dignity, communities without national borders, and revolutionary motherhood, women and their male colleagues forged a strong transnational alliance that left an indelible mark on the US-Mexican borderlands, notwithstanding gender inequalities.  Funded by a Fulbright García-Robles Fellowship and more recently, a Chancellor’s EDGES Fellowship, Hernandez is at work on a book project recovering the gendered, racial, and transnational dimensions of the 1901 lynching attempt of the migrant vaquero Gregorio Cortez.

    Areas of Speciality

    • U.S.-Mexican Borderlands
    • Chicana/o
    • Gender and Labor
    • Modern Mexico

Selected Publications

  • For a Just and Better World: Engendering Anarchism in the Mexican Borderlands, 1900-1938 (University of Illinois Press, 2021)
  • Reverberations of Racial Violence: Critical Reflections on the History of the Border; Sonia Hernández and John Morán González, eds. (University of Texas Press, 2021)
  • Working Women into the Borderlands (Texas A&M University Press, 2014)