Louis Strigari
  • Associate Professor
  • Pronouns: (he / him / his)
  • Email: strigari@tamu.edu
  • Office: MIST M418 (main office)
Research Areas
  • Dark Energy
  • Dark Matter
  • Dark Matter Theory
  • Near-Field Cosmology
  • The Standard Model & Search for New Particles


Prof. Strigari's research is in the fields of astroparticle physics and cosmology, with a focus on neutrinos and dark matter. Strigari is interested in searches for new physics via neutrino interactions, and searches for dark matter via direct and indirect methods. Since joining Texas A&M, Strigari has been a member of the Dark Energy Survey, focusing on interpreting data from the Local Group and Milky Way satellite galaxies. He uses cosmological simulations to study the theoretical properties of dark matter and faint satellite galaxies. Strigari is also interested in high energy gamma-ray astrophysics, in particular using Fermi-LAT data to identify and model new gamma-ray sources.

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