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The Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University Invites Nominations for the Emanuel and Carol Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation


To promote the dissemination of statistical innovation, the Emanuel and Carol Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation is awarded in even numbered years to a North American statistician whose outstanding research contributions include innovations that have had impact on practice and whose Ph.D. degree is at least 25 years old.

The Parzen Prize is awarded by the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University and is selected by the members of the Parzen Prize Committee (consisting of four internal faculty members and one external member). The prize consists of an honorarium of $1000 and travel to College Station, TX, to present a lecture at the Prize Ceremony.

Nominations for the 2020 Parzen Prize should include a letter describing the nominee’s outstanding contributions to high impact innovative research in statistics, a current curriculum vita, and two supporting letters.   Nominations should be submitted by February 29, 2020 to Thomas Wehrly, the Chair of the 2020 Parzen Prize Committee, via e-mail to or to:

Professor Thomas Wehrly
Department of Statistics
Texas A&M University
TAMU 3143
College Station Texas 77843-3143.


Previous Parzen Prize Winners:

1994    Grace Wahba, University of Wisconsin

1996    Donald B. Rubin, Harvard University

1998    Bradley Efron, Stanford University

2000    C.R. Rao, Pennsylvania State University

2002    David R. Brillinger, University of California, Berkeley

2004    Jerome H. Friedman, Stanford University

2006    Alan Gelfand, Duke University

2008    Nancy Reid, University of Toronto , Marvin Zelen, Harvard University

2010    Roger Koenker, University of Illinois

2012    Adrian Raftery, University of Washington

2014    Trevor Hastie, Stanford University

2016   William Cleveland, Purdue University

2019   Bin Yu, University of California, Berkeley


For more information on the Parzen Prize, please visit our website.