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College of Arts & Sciences

The Statistics Department at Texas A&M is renowned for the quality and scope of its research.  Our award winning faculty are published in top tier journals and are routinely invited to give presentations at high profile conferences.  This visibility has allowed for research collaborations with other departments and research institutions.

Below please find a short overview of the history of research in the department, as well as some select links to explore the ongoing research opportunities within Statistics at Texas A&M.

The department from its inception has been substantially involved in collaborative research. Professor Hartley and the faculty had research grants and contracts from ONR, NASA, Army Research Office, and National Center for Toxicological Research. For over twenty years funding for statistical consulting was provided by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. The department was actively involved in the development of the Center for Environmental and Rural Health, an NIEHS funded research center. Also, several faculty members greatly assisted in obtaining the competitive renewal of Texas A&M University’s EPA funded Superfund Basic Research Program. In 2001, Professor Carroll received a grant from NCI to establish a two-year training program in Bioinformatics and Nutrition. This grant has been renewed through 2016.

In 2006, Bani Mallick received approval and funding for a Bayesian Bioinformatics Lab. This lab is still currently operating and focuses on research and development of Bayesian modeling and computational tools for the rapidly emerging fields of Bioinformatics, discipline which deals with the analysis of data generated by high-throughput techniques in genomics, molecular and cellular biology. In particular, the lab has extensive publications in analysis of gene expression data, proteomic data and protein structure determination. It has been funded by National Cancer Institute (NCI). In fall 2009, Texas A&M University was selected as one of four universities to receive a $25 million dollar grant from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Faculty member, Raymond J. Carroll is the Director of KAUST’S Global Research Partnership in an effort to aid in support of a research center for applied mathematics and computational science, which was one of four priority areas identified by KAUST. As such, since 2009, the IAMCS or Institute for Applied Mathematics and Computational Science was established within the Department of Statistics.