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College of Arts & Sciences

H.O. Hartley Publications by Year (1935-1980)

Pearson, ES; Hartley, HO. Biomtrika Tables for Statisticians, Vol. I. Biometrika Publications, Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, London, 1954
Greenwood, JA; Hartley, HO. Guide to Tables in Mathematical Statistics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1961
Pearson, ES; Hartley, HO. Biomtrika Tables for Statisticians, Vol. II. Biometrika Publications, Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, London, 1972
*Hirshchfeld, HO. A Connection between Correlation and Contingency. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Math. Proc.) 31: 520-524
*Hirschfeld, HO. A Generalization of Picard’s Method of Successive Approximation. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 32: 86-95
*Hirschfeld, HO. Continuation of Differentiable Functions through the Plane. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Series, 7: 1-15
Wishart, J; *Hirschfeld, HO. A Theorem Concerning the Distribution of Joins between Line Segments. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 11: 227-235
*Hirschfeld, HO. The Distribution of the Ratio of Covariance Estimates in Two Samples Drawn from Normal Bivariate Populations. Biometrika 29: 65-79
*Manuscripts dated from 1935 to 1937 are listed under born name of Hirschfeld, Hermann Otto.
Manuscripts dated from 1938 -1980 are listed under changed name of Hartley, Herman Otto.
Hunter, H; Hartley, HO. Relation of Ear Survival to the Nitrogen Content of Certain Varieties of Barley – With a Statistical Study. Journal of Agricultural Science 28: 472-502
Hartley, HO. Studentization and Large Sample Theory. Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 5: 80-88
Hartley, HO. Testing the Homogeneity of a Set of Variances. Biometrika 31: 249-255
Comrie, LJ; Hartley, HO. Table of Lagrangian Coefficients for Harmonic Interpolation in Certain Tables of Percentage Points. Biometrika 32: 183-186
Thompson, CM; Pearson, ES; Comrie, LJ; Hartley, HO. Tables of Percentage Points of the Incomplete Beta- Function. Biometrika 32: 151-181
Hartley, HO. The Range in Random Samples. Biometrika 32: 334-348
Hartley, HO; Pearson, ES. The Probability Integral of the Range in Samples of n Observations from a Normal Population. Biometrika 32: 301-310
Pearson, ES; Hartley, HO. Tables of the Probability Integral of the Studentized Range. Biometrika 33:89-99
Hartley, HO. Studentization or the Elimination of the Standard Deviation of the Parent Population from the Random Sample Distribution of Statistics. Biometrika 33:173-180
Hartley, HO. Note on the Calculation of the Distribution of the Estimate of Mean Deviation in Normal Samples. Biometrika 33: 257-258
Hartley, HO; Goodwin,HJ. Tables of the Probability Integral and Percentage Points of the Mean Deviation in Samples from Normal Populations. Biometrika 33: 252-265
Hartley, HO. The Application of Some Commercial Calculating Machines to Certain Statistical Calculations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 8:154-183
Hartley, HO. Tables for Testing the Homogeneity of Estimated Variances. Biometrika 33: 296-304
Hartley, HO; Khamis, SH. A Numerical Solution of the Problem of Moments. Biometrika 34: 340-351
Hartley, HO. The Estimation of Non-Linear Parameters by Internal Least Squares. Biometrika 35:32-45
Smith, CAB; Hartley, HO. The Construction of Youden Squares. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 10: 262-263
Hartley, HO; Approximation Errors in Distributions of Independent Variates. Biometrika 35:417-418
Hartley, HO. Tests of Significance in Harmonic Analysis. Biometrika 36: 194-201
Hartley, HO. A Simplified Form of Sheppard’s Correction Formulae. Biometrika 37: 145-148
Hartley, HO. The Use of Range in Analysis of Variance. Biometrika 37: 271-280
Hartley, HO. The Maximum F-Ratio as a Short-Cut Test for Heterogeneity of Variance. Biometrika 37: 308- 312
Hartley, HO; Pearson, ES. Tables of the χ2-Integral and of the Cumulative Poisson Distribution. Biometrika 37: 313-325
Hartley, HO; Pearson, ES. Table of the Probability Integral of the t- Distribution. Biometrika 37: 168-172
Pearson, ES; Hartley, HO. Charts of the Power Function for Analysis of Variance Tests, Derived from the Non-Central F-Distribution. Biometrika 38:112-130
Hartley, HO. The Fitting of Polynomials to Equidistant Data with Missing Values. Biometrika 38:410-413
Hartley, HO. A Chart for the Incomplete Beta-Function and the Cumulative Binomial Distribution. Biometrika 38:423-426
Hartley, HO; Stones, HH; Lawton, FE; Bransby, ER. Time of Eruption of Permanent Teeth and Time of Shedding of Deciduous Teeth. British Dental Journal 90:1-7
Hartley, HO; Pearson, ES. Moment Constants for the Distribution of Range in Normal Samples. Biometrika 38: 463-464
Hartley, HO. Second Order Autoregressive Schemes with Time-Trending Coefficients. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 14: 229-233
Hartley, HO; Pearson, ES. Tables for Numerical Integration at Non-Equidistant Argument Steps. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Mathematical Society 48: 436-444
Hartley, HO; Shrikande, SS; Taylor, WB. A Note on Incomplete Designs with Row Balance. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 24: 123-126
Hartley, HO; Keen, J; Denys, JP. Some Theoretical Aspects of Estimating Variability from the Differences between Successive Readings. Applied Statistics II 13: 20-23
Hartley, HO; David, HA. Universal Bounds for Mean Range and Extreme Observation. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 25: 85-99
David, HA; Hartley, HO; Pearson, ES. The Distribution of the Ratio, in a Single Normal Sample, of Range to Standard Deviation. Biometrika 41:482-493
Fieller, EC; Hartley, HO. Sampling with Control Variables. Biometrika 41:494-501
Hartley, HO. Some Recent Developments in Analysis of Variance. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 8: 47-72
Bozivich, H; Bancroft, TA; Hartley, HO. Power of Analysis of Variance Test Procedures for Certain Incompletely Specified Models, I. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 27: 1017-1043
Hartley, HO. A Plan for Programming Analysis of Variance for General Purpose Computers. Biometrics 12:110-122
Fieller, EC; Hartley, HO; Pearson, ES. Tests for Rank Correlation Coefficients, I. Biometrika 44: 470-481
Hartley, HO. Maximum Likelihood Estimation from Incomplete Data. Biometrics 14: 174-194
Carter, HO; Hartley, HO. A Variance Formula for Marginal Productivity Estimates Using the Cobb-Douglas Function. Econometrica 26: 306-313
Goodman, LA; Hartley, HO. The Precision of Unbiased Ratio-Type Estimators. Journal of the American Statistical Association 53: 491-508
Hartley, HO; Loftsgard, LD. Linear Programming with Variable Constraints. Iowa State Journal of Sciences 33: 161-172
Hartley, HO. Smallest Composite Designs for Quadratic Response Surfaces. Biometrics 15: 610-624
Hartley, HO. The Efficiency of Internal Regression for the Fitting of the Exponential Regression. Biometrika 46: 293-295
Bryant, EC; Hartley, HO; Jessen, RJ. Design and Estimation in Two-Way Stratification. Journal of the American Statistical Association 55:105-124
Hartley, HO. Nonlinear-Programming by the Simplex-Method. Econometrica 29: 223-237
Hartley, HO. The Modified Gauss-Newton Method for Fitting of Non-Linear Regression Functions by Least Squares. Technometrics 3: 269-280
Hartley, HO; Rao, JNK. Sampling with Unequal Probabilities and without Replacement, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 33: 350-374
Hartley, HO; Rao, JNK; Cochran, WG. On a Simple Procedure of Unequal Probability Sampling without Replacement. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 24: 487-491
Hartley, HO.  In Dr. Bayes’s Consulting Room. The American Statistician  17: 22-24
Hartley, HO; Hocking, RR. Convex-Programming by Tangential Approximation. Management Science 9: 600-612
Hartley, HO; Harris, DL. Monte Carlo Computations in Normal Correlation Problems. Journal of the Association of Computing Machinery 10: 302-306
Hartley, HO. Exact Confidence Regions for Parameters in Non-Linear Regression Laws. Biometrika 51:347- 353
Hartley, HO; Booker, A. Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 36: 638-650
Hartley, HO. Systematic Sampling with Unequal Probability and Without Replacement. Journal of the American Statistical Association 61: 739-748
Hartley, HO; Worthan, AW. A Statistical Theory for PERT Critical Path Analysis. Management Sciences, Series B, 12: 469-491
Hartley, HO. Expectations, Variances, and Covariances of ANOVA Mean Squares by Synthesis. Biometrics 23: 104-114
Hartley, HO; Rao, JNK. Maximum-Likelihood Estimation for Mixed Analysis of Variance Model. Biometrika 54: 93-108:
Freund, RJ; Hartley, HO. A Procedure for Automatic Data Editing. Journal of the American Statistical Association 62: 341-352
Hartley, HO; Chakrabarty, RP. Evaluation of Approximate Variance Formulas in Sampling with Unequal Probabilities and without Replacement. Sankya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 29: 201-208
Hartley, HO; Hocking, RR; Cooke, WP. Least Squares Fit of Definite Quadratic Forms by Convex Programming. Management Sciences 13: 913-925.
Broemeling, LD; Hartley, HO. Investigations of Optimality of a Confidence Region for Parameters of a Non- Linear Regression Model. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 20: 263-269
Hartley, HO; Rao, JNK. A New Estimation Theory for Sample Surveys. Biometrika 55: 547-557
Smith, WB; Hartley, HO. A Note on Correlation of Ranges in Correlated Normal Samples. Biometrika 55: 595-597
Hartley, HO; Rao, JNK. Classification and Estimation in Analysis of Variance Problems. Revue Del Institut International De Statistique-Review of the International Statistical Institute 36: 141-147
Hartley, HO; Searle, SR. A Discontinuity in Mixed Model Analyses. Biometrics 25: 573-576
Hartley, HO; Rao, JNK; Kiefer, G. Variance Estimation with One Unit per Stratum. Journal of the American Statistical Association 64: 841-851
Hartley, HO; Rao, JNK. Foundations of Survey Sampling (A Don Quixote Tragedy). American Statistician 25: 21-27
Matis, JH; Hartley, HO. Stochastic Compartmental Analysis-Model and Least Squares Estimation from Time Series Data. Biometrics 27: 77-102
Hartley, HO; Hocking, RR. The Analysis of Incomplete Data. Biometrics 27: 783-823
Lurie, D; Hartley, HO. Machine-Generation of Order Statistics for Monte-Carlo Computations. American Statistician 26: 26-30
Hartley, HO; Pfaffenberger, RC. Quadratic Forms in Order Statistics Used as Goodness-of-Fit Criteria. Biometrika 59: 605-611
Hartley, HO; Jayatillake, KSE. Estimation for Linear Models with Unequal Variances. Journal of the American Statistical Association 68: 189-192
Jenkins, OC; Ringer, LJ; Hartley, HO. Root Estimators. Journal of the American Statistical Association 68: 414-419
Sielken, RL; Hartley, HO; Two Linear-Programming Algorithms for Unbiased Estimation of Linear Models. Journal of the American Statistical Association 68: 639-641
Hemmerle, WJ; Hartley, HO. Computing Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the Mixed A.O.V. Model Using the W Transformation. Technometrics 15: 819-831
McKay, MD; Hartley, HO. Computerized Scheduling of Seagoing Tankers. Naval Research Logistics 21: 255-264
Hartley, HO. Multiple Frame Methodology and Selected Application. Sankya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series C, 36: 99-118
Hartley, HO; Sielken, RL. A Super-Population Viewpoint for Finite Population Sampling. Biometrics 31: 411-422
Gates, CE; Hartley, HO; Jayatillake, KSE; Gamble, KE; Clark, TL. Texas Mourning Dove Harvest Survey. Texas Journal of Science 26: 459-471
Hartley, HO; Sielken, RL. Estimation of Safe Doses in Carcinogenic Experiments. Biometrics 33: 1-30
Hartley, HO; Sielken, RL. Estimation of Safe Doses in Carcinogenic Experiments. Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology 1: 241-265
Hartley, HO; Sielken, RL. Estimation of Safe Doses in Carcinogenic Experiments- Response. Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology 1: 270-278
Hartley, HO; Sielken, RL; Arseven, E. Critical Path Analysis in Stochastic Networks: Statistical PERT. Systems and Cybernetics in Management Journal 6:
Hartley, HO; Rao, JNK; Lamotte, LR. Simple Synthesis-Based Method of Variance Component Estimation. Biometrics 34: 233-242
Doss, DC; Hartley, HO; Somayajulu, GR. Exact Small Sample Theory for Post-Stratification. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 3: 235-247
Hartley, HO. Statistics as a Science and as a Profession. Journal of the American Statistical Association 75: 1-7 (Presidential Address)