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College of Arts & Sciences

M.S. students have two tracks for a degree: the research-based track requires 32 credit hours of coursework, of which 23 hours must be formal (i.e., non-research based) coursework; and the non-thesis track which requires a minimum of 36 hours of coursework. Non-thesis students must also pass a comprehensive exam in lieu of the thesis defense.

Ph.D. students have a minimum course requirement of 32 hours of formal coursework, plus research hours towards the completion of a doctoral dissertation.

Specific requirements for coursework for both M.S. and Ph.D. students can be found on our graduate programs page. Below is a list of graduate courses available to fulfill in-department degree requirements:


  • 601: Fundamentals of Atmospheric Dynamics
  • 602: Atmospheric Physics I
  • 603: Quantitative Methods for the Atmospheric Sciences
  • 604: General Circulation and Climate
  • 606: Atmospheric Chemistry I
  • 611: Atmospheric Dynamics II
  • 612: Atmospheric Physics II
  • 613: Advanced Atmospheric Chemistry
  • 618: Numerical Methods for the Geosciences
  • 629: Climate Change
  • 631: Climate Modeling
  • 632: Statistical Methods in Climate Research
  • 636: Dynamic Meteorology
  • 638: Dynamics of Convective Clouds
  • 645: Cloud and Precipitation Physics
  • 651: Dynamics of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
  • 655: Satellite Data in Meteorology
  • 656: Tropical Meteorology
  • 657: Mesometeorology
  • 658: Synoptic Meteorology
  • 659: Tropical Cyclones
  • 661: Atmospheric Turbulence
  • 664: Laboratory Methods in Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
  • 677: Geophysical Data Assimilation
  • 681: Seminar
  • 685: Directed Studies
  • 689: Special Topics in Meteorology
  • 691: Research