The Department owns and maintains a complete research-grade mesoscale observation station on the Texas A&M Research Farm in the Brazos bottom-land west of campus. This station is maintained by a dedicated group of undergraduate students enrolled in undergraduate research or directed studies in meteorological observations, mentored by Dr. Conlee. The observations are available to the public on this website and on Mesowest ( ID: F0891). In addition to standard parameters, the site hosts soil temperature and moisture at 6 depths. The data from the site are used extensively by research groups from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Since 2019 the site has hosted an OTT Parsivel 2 disdrometer in conjunction with NASA, available at https://wallops-prf.gsfc.nasa.gov/Disdrometer/TAMU/.
A second site is in the planning stages at the The Gardens of Texas A&M on west campus, where it will serve both research and education/outreach missions at this increasingly popular facility ( https://gardens.tamu.edu/).
Although currently in hiatus due to roof repairs, the department partners with Landscape Architecture in the College of Architecture to instrument a green roof/living wall research and teaching installation on the roof of the Langford A building. This site will be restored after roof repairs are complete.