Holly Gaede
  • Instructional Professor
  • Assistant Head for Undergraduate Studies


I am an undergraduate advisor in the Chemistry Department of Texas A&M University. I assist chemistry majors with course selection, degree planning, and career planning. I provide information about campus resources like Student Counseling Services, the Academic Success Center, Office of Professional School Advising, and Study Abroad. I oversee the departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and the Undergraduate Awards Committee. I also meet with prospective students to discuss our program and career options for chemistry majors. I meet students and their families during their New Student Conferences, orienting them to our program and assisting them with course registration.

I have taught a variety of courses while at Texas A&M University, particularly Horizons in Chemistry, CHEM100; Molecular Science for Citizens, CHEM106; Physical Chemistry lecture and laboratories, CHEM325, CHEM326, CHEM328; and our communication intensive senior seminar, CHEM481.

I am also the director of our REU program, an NSF-funded summer program that hosts visiting students for a 10-week summer research experience. I oversee the student selection, mentor orientation, weekly programming for the students, and organize the culminating symposium.

Research Interests

Areas of Interest

  • Chemical Education
  • Mentoring
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Science Writing
  • Solid-state NMR of membrane systems

Educational Background

  • Ph. D., University of California, Berkeley

Selected Publications

  • "Electrostatic Contributions to Indole-Lipid Interactions" Holly C. Gaede, Wai-Ming Yau, and Klaus Gawrisch, J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, 26, 2005; 13014-13023.

  • "Multinuclear NMR Studies of Single Lipid Bilayers Supported in Cylindrical Aluminum Oxide Nanopores" Holly C. Gaede, Keith Luckett, Ivan V. Polozov, and Klaus Gawrisch. Langmuir; 2004; 20(18); 7711-7719.

  • "Multidimensional PFG MAS Experiments on Membranes" Holly C. Gaede and Klaus Gawrisch. Mag. Reson. Chem., 2004, 42,115-122.

  • "Lateral Diffusion Rates of Lipid, Water, and a Hydrophobic Drug in a Multilamellar Liposome" Holly C. Gaede and Klaus Gawrisch. Biophys. J., 2003, 85, 3, 1734-1740.

  • "NMR of a Phospholipid: Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses" Holly C. Gaede and Ruth E. Stark. J. Chem. Educ., 2001, 78, 1248.