The Chemistry Mass Spectrometry Laboratory serves researchers throughout the Texas A&M University system and the Department of Chemistry for chemical characterization. The services available include analyses of compounds ranging from small organic molecules to macromolecules including proteins, oligonucleotides, polymers and dendrimers. In addition, the research capabilities of the facility are accessible to non-TAMU users; academic, government and industry through a fee-for-service method.
The Elemental Analysis Laboratory provides research support in the area of elemental and trace analysis as well as service analyses to TAMU users, other university and government agencies and private industry. It is unique in that it features fast neutron activation analysis (FNAA) capabilities in addition to thermal instrumental neutron activation (INAA) using the University's Nuclear Science Center 1 MW TRIGA research reactor. In addition, the laboratory has recently added inductively-coupled plasma - mass spectrometry to its stable of facilities. The ICP-MS has been fitted with both conventional sample introduction hardware for solution work as well as a 213 nm laser ablation system for studying solids and surfaces. The laboratory is extensively used to benefit a wide variety of research programs, reporting some 50,000 measurements completed each operational year.
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The ILSB Mass Spectrometry Laboratory serves the Texas A&M University (TAMU) research communities with expertise in mass spectrometry methodology, instrumentation, and increasingly, informatics. The services are not limited to areas of proteomics but involve in molecular-level research in various "omics" related researches, i.e., petroleomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, glycomics, etc., which represent growing research areas in the fields of the physical and life sciences, health sciences, agriculture, veterinary medicine and engineering. This includes analyses of compounds from small organic molecules to macromolecules including proteins, oligonucleotides, polymers and dendrimers. In addition, the research capabilities of ILSBMSL are accessible to non-TAMU users; academic, government and industry, either through collaborations or service-for-fee.
The Laboratory for Molecular Simulation (LMS) brings molecular modeling and computational chemistry closer to the experimental scientist by offering training to both new and advanced users. Advanced modeling software is available for researchers at Texas A&M University to perform quantum calculations on small molecular or solid systems and molecular mechanics/dynamics modeling for large systems such as proteins, DNA, nanomolecules, polymers, solids, and liquids. The LMS also provides support for faculty that wish to incorporate molecular modeling in their course material.
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The Laboratory for Synthetic-Biologic Interactions (LSBI) is a research facility housed in the Department of Chemistry. The LSBI is designed to be a multi-user laboratory supporting major research initiatives within the Chemistry Department, the university and extending to the broader academic and industrial scientific communities.
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State-of-the-art equipment is accessible to support investigations of magnetic and spectroscopic properties of molecules and materials over wide temperature ranges. The instrumentation includes an MPMS3 – SQUID Magnetometer with ac capabilities to allow for the study of magnetization dynamics at temperature ranges from 1.8K to 300K . We also offer a dc measurement service for standard variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements.
Furthermore, our facilities house a continuous wave X-band EleXsys EPR spectrometer system with an accessible measurement temperature range from 4K to 300K. We are dedicated to the efficient use of resources and both major instruments utilize closed cycle He cryostats.
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The Materials Characterization Facility (MCF) provides researchers in the Texas A&M community with access to high-end instrumentation essential for fundamental studies of the surface and interfacial properties of materials, such as ion and electron based spectroscopies, electron, optical and scanning probe microscopies.
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This facility is one component of the Center for Chemical Characterization and Analysis (CCCA) within the Chemistry Department. In addition to NMR services, the CCCA has provision for X-Ray Crystallography, Mass Spectrometry, and Elemental Analysis. The NMR Facility includes 10 superconducting spectrometer systems and 3 full time staff positions to support them with maintenance, user training, and spectroscopic service. Although this facility is physically housed within the Chemistry Department, it provides services to the entire campus community.
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We are a full service X-ray Diffraction laboratory offering state of the art instrumentation for the analysis of solid materials. Our services include single-crystal and powder diffraction for Chemistry, Material Sciences and Pharmaceuticals. We are staffed by trained Ph.D. scientists who employ the most up to date diffraction and X-ray techniques. Please feel free to contact us about your diffraction needs.