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The Department of Geography Graduate Committee offers annual opportunities to recognize graduate student achievement. Each year there is one award for Excellence in Teaching and another for Excellence in Research. The application packet details for each award and the criteria for selection are listed below. Application packets will be evaluated by the Graduate Committee, who reserves the right to withhold awards if no suitable applicant is found. The award will be presented at the College of Geosciences graduation reception in May.


Current full-time Texas A&M Department of Geography graduate students are eligible to win these awards. Preference will be given to those who have been in the graduate program for more than two semesters.

Application Deadline

All application materials must be submitted via email by 5PM Central May 1, 2020.

Application Submission

All application materials must be submitted as a single .pdf document via email to the TAMU Geography Department Graduate Director.

Geography Excellence in Research: 

The Geography Excellence in Research award is presented to one graduate student that is making satisfactory progress toward his/her degree. Students must have a demonstrated track record to be considered; therefore, preference is given to those who have been in the graduate program for more than two semesters. Criteria for the award include, but are not limited to: outstanding presentations at national meetings; important publications; significant research results; and outstanding performance in lab or field experiments

The submission packet, submitted as a single PDF, should include:

  1. A cover letter
  2. CV
  3. Writing sample, including published papers
  4. A reference letter from the student's supervisor that outlines why the student's contributions are noteworthy and merit consideration for the Excellence in Research award

Geography Excellence in Teaching:

The Geography Excellence in Teaching award is presented to one graduate student that is making satisfactory progress toward his/her degree. Students must have a demonstrated track record to be considered; therefore, preference is given to those who have been in the graduate program for more than two semesters. Criteria for the award include, but are not limited to: outstanding course evaluations as TAs and/or instructors; outstanding written comments from students; outstanding evaluations of TA work by the course instructor; outstanding design of course or lab syllabi; and outstanding design of lab or section activities.

The submission packet, submitted as a single PDF, should include:

  1. A cover letter
  2. Representing a single course or lab section:
    1. Up to two teaching materials created by the applicant, including, but not limited to: syllabus, exam, activity, or assignment
    2. A reference letter from a faculty member that has observed the applicant's teaching. This letter should not be from the applicant's supervisor. Faculty observation can be from any classes that the applicant is teaching currently or taught previously.
  3. Teaching evaluations from one semester, including the numerical summary and the course comments. The evaluations can be from any classes that the applicant taught previously.

Additional Information:

  • Students may apply in more than one category.
  • Both GALs and GATs are eligible for the Geography Excellence in Teaching Award.
  • Awardees will receive a monetary award of $400.