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College of Arts & Sciences

This combined program enables motivated students to efficiently complete both the Bachelor of Science in Geology and the thesis-based Master of Science in Geology degrees in five years. This program quickly prepares exceptional students to either enter the job market with an advanced degree or apply to doctoral programs.

Because the M.S. degree requires a thesis, it is highly recommended that you become involved in a research project early in your undergraduate career. Areas of opportunity for research at both the undergraduate and master's levels include:

  • Groundwater flow and use
  • Paleontology and paleoecology
  • Stratigraphy
  • Structural geology
  • Tectonophysics
  • Petrology
  • Geomorphology
  • Environmental geology
  • Geochemistry

Five-Year Program: Bachelor of Science in Geology + Master of Science in Geology Program Requirements

Applying to the Program

You may apply for entrance to the graduate program once you reach 90 hours applied to your B.S. degree program (normally in the spring of your junior year).

GRE scores are not required to apply for this program, but you will need to submit two letters of advocacy from faculty members. One of these faculty members needs to be willing to serve as your master's thesis advisor.

You will graduate with both degrees at the completion of the fifth year in the combined program coursework. You must finish all credit hours and meet all requirements to obtain both the B.S. and M.S. degrees.

If you are not accepted or not allowed to continue with the combined program, you will complete the bachelor’s degree under the standard four-year curriculum. You may still apply to the traditional graduate program.