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College of Arts & Sciences

Registration and Submissions


Registration is FREE but REQUIRED and will be open until the end of the event. However, the number of participants will be limited. Please fill out the Google form to register.

Submission of Titles and Abstract for participation to a mini - Deadline Sept. 25 - Deadline PASSED

If you have been invited to participate in a mini-symposium, please use the latex template to submit your title and abstract when filling out the Google form. Note that you will still need to fill out the registration form below.

If you have a issues when uploading your documents (data loss prevention), it is probably because your univeristy does not allow to upload documents to an external google file. In that case, please write an email to entitled "Contribution submission" with the following information:

  • Email address
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Institution
  • Mini-Symposium title
  • Do you agree that we record your talk and post it on the conference website? (Yes/No)
  • Do you have a time constraint we can try to accommodate?
and attach your title and abstract documents (tex and pdf files) to the email.


We will not have contributed talks outside of mini-symposiums. However, interested participants are welcome to send a title and abstract to for possible inclusion in an existing mini-symposium if appropriate and possible. The list of accepted mini-symposiums is now available.

E-Poster Submission - Deadline Sept. 25 - Deadline PASSED

Please use the Google form to submit your e-poster (one page PDF format) along with a 2 min video presenting your research (optional). There is no required template for the posters. Furthermore, we will offer the possibility of updating the posters and videos shortly before the conference starts.

Mini-Symposium Proposal - Deadline PASSED

Please use the latex template to submit your title and abstract when filling out the Google Form.