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College of Arts & Sciences

Our department has areas of strength in numerous philosophical traditions, e.g. Africana, Analytic Metaphysics, Value Theory, Continental, and Latin American/Decolonial philosophy, thus offering an intellectually rich environment in which to pursue graduate studies.

In addition to the coursework required in Philosophy, which reflects our commitment to multiple methods of philosophical inquiry, students must also complete an MA in a supplementary field.

There are three ways this requirement can be fulfilled:

  1. Students may enter the program with a Master’s or equivalent (or higher) in hand. The GPAC will rule, at the time of admitting such students, on the acceptability of the proposed degree as a supplementary Master’s, considering both the extent to which the degree is an academic Master’s or equivalent, and the extent to which the degree is in a field other than philosophy.
  2. Students may complete a Master’s program in another discipline while at Texas A&M. Students must have their plan to pursue a particular Master’s degree approved by the GPAC. They should secure formal admission to the chosen program by the end of their second year. (Students who are interested in pursuing a Master’s at another institution should consult the DGS as soon as possible.)
  3. Students may complete one of the five approved multidisciplinary tracks described below. These pre-established tracks comprise courses in disciplines across the university that offer complementary and expansive perspectives on topics relevant to philosophical research. The tracks, along with our curriculum, reflect our commitment to diversity within and across the discipline.

Our graduate program is committed to intellectual and cultural diversity as represented in our course offerings, colloquium speaker schedule, faculty, and graduate student body.