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College of Arts & Sciences

The faculty and staff of the Sociology Department at Texas A&M University (TAMU) are dedicated to achieving excellence in the areas of research, teaching and service. The faculty undertake rigorous research addressing important issues in social science and social policy. As part of their mission they extend the frontiers of knowledge by: developing new concepts and theories and refining existing ones; by developing and refining methodologies for studying the social world; by designing and executing studies that better describe the social world and explore and test our ideas about it; and by sharing and disseminating these achievements via the publication of books with prominent presses and articles in leading scientific journals.

The faculty in the department embrace the charge, given to them by the Higher Education Coordinating Board of the State of Texas, to produce future generations of scholars and researchers. To accomplish these goals, the faculty strive for excellence in graduate instruction. They also work closely with graduate students, supervising them and mentoring them to help them become accomplished researchers and instructors.  The faculty in the department are committed to the goal of excellence in undergraduate instruction. Through rigorous classroom instruction, honors courses, a certificate program, an internship program,and other special programs, the faculty help students develop critical thinking, leadership and decision-making skills and enhance academic and employment opportunities for undergraduate students.

The faculty and staff of the Department are dedicated to providing excellence in service to the state, the university and the discipline and promoting diversity in graduate and undergraduate education.