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College of Arts & Sciences

Videos featuring faculty and students of the Department of Sociology and their commitment to teaching, research, and service. You can also watch these videos on the Texas A&M Sociology Department YouTube Channel.

Sociology at Texas A&M University

October 13, 2022

Tour of the Sociology Department, Texas A&M University

March 26, 2021

Video presented to prospective students of the Sociology Graduate Program at Texas A&M University on March 26, 2021.

Dr. Wendy Moore Interview About Critical Race Theory

February 13, 2022

Dr. Wendy Moore was interviewed about critical race theory by WBKB’s Insights into Northeast Michigan.

Dr. Mary Campbell: What is your “race”?

May 6, 2020

What is your “race”? Professor Campbell discusses some of the challenges of measuring racial inequality. Her work explores the complexity of racialized experiences, using laboratory experiments, field experiments, and large-scale national surveys.


Dr. Samuel Cohn: New Methods to Reduce Global Poverty

May 6, 2020

Professor Cohn works with large teams of undergraduates to discover new methods to reduce global poverty. He collaborates with students on social media projects to raise public awareness of the major problems that are challenging both our nation and the world. His students present their findings at conferences both in the United States and abroad.


Dr. Alexander Hernandez: Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program

May 6, 2020

Professor Hernandez discusses the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program in sociology that we host at Texas A&M. This program provides top undergraduates from around the country the opportunity to actively participate in the creation of knowledge. With the help of world-class faculty, students are provided all of the instruction and tools needed to examine the world around around them and contribute to the field.


Dr. Chaitanya Lakkimsetti: Research on Gender, Sexuality, Law and Social Movements

May 6, 2020

Dr. Lakkimsetti’s research focuses on gender, sexuality, law and social movements. She discusses her latest book “Legalizing Sex: Sexual Minorities, AIDS, and Citizenship in India” and qualitative ethnographic methods. Along with her work on sexual minorities in India, she also discusses a seminar she is co-organizing on the #MeToo Movement at Texas A&M and the importance of employing a transnational perspective to understand gender justice in a globalized world.


Dr. Judith Linneman: Undergraduate and Graduate Professional Development Programs

May 6, 2020

Dr. Judith Linneman highlights several areas in which the Texas A&M Department of Sociology excels, including undergraduate and graduate professional development programs. She discusses the teaching training and development program she created and administers for graduate students. She also describes efforts to help undergraduate students succeed, including professionalization courses, an internship program, and a research fellowship program.


Hunger-Free Texas Project

October 16, 2018

By Dr. Mary Campbell

In Spring 2017, 2018, and 2019, students in Industrial Distribution and Sociology got together in student teams to focus on real problems and work directly with food pantries in Texas, while at the same time developing skills in critical thinking, process planning and improvement, impact assessment, and team management. This multidisciplinary service-learning project is the culmination of an intercollegiate effort to facilitate meaningful, sustainable collaborations between Texas A&M students and organizations, representing our core values of leadership and selfless service in the community. The Central Texas Food Bank committed $30,000 to fund the very best student projects and turn them into real improvements for area food pantries. Students completed an amazing range of projects, helping area pantries develop socially impactful, efficient solutions to their problems so that they could provide more healthy food to area residents than ever before. The video below showcases our multidisciplinary service-learning project.