Edward Murguia
  • Professor Emeritus


Dr. Edward Murguia is a professor in the Department of Sociology at Texas A&M University. He was Founding Director of the Mexican American and U.S. Latino Research Center (MALRC) at Texas A&M and currently continues to direct the Center. An intercollegiate and interdisciplinary Center, in its three and one half years, it has awarded over 60 seed grants to faculty at Texas A&M for the development of competitive grant applications for external funding and has assisted in the training of over 90 faculty and graduate students in grantsmanship.

Dr. Murguia received his BA from the University of Texas at Austin, his MA at the University of New Mexico, and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. His research has focused on the Latino experience in the United States as well as on causal factors of drug use. He is the author of Assimilation, Colonialism and the Mexican American People and Chicano Intermarriage: A Theoretical and Empirical Study, and, more recently, he is the lead editor of Real Drugs in a Virtual World: Drug Discourse and Community Online, published in 2007. Dr. Murguia served as Director of the Minority Affairs Program at the Executive Office of the American Sociological Association from 1998-2000, and directed ASA’s Minority Fellowship Program during those years. In 2004, he received the Distinguished Contributions to Scholarship and Research Award from the Section on Latina and Latino Sociology of the American Sociological Association. In 2008, he received the Founders Award from the Section on Latina and Latino Sociology of the American Sociological Association for his contributions to Section relative to research, teaching, and service. He was the first to receive this award from the Section.

Courses Taught at Texas A&M

  • SOCI 315: Marriage Institution
  • SOCI 403: Mexican Americans
  • SOCI 485: Directed Studies
  • SOCI 627: Minorities and Drugs
  • SOCI 667: Sociology of Mexican Americans/Latinos
  • SOCI 691: Research

Research Interests

  • Latina/o Sociology
  • Drug Use
  • Marriage and Family

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin

Selected Publications

    • Murguia, Edward. Assimilation, Colonialism and the Mexican American People. (Austin: Center for Mexican American Studies, 1975), 124 pp. Distributed by The University of Texas Press. (Third Printing, 1978). Reissued by University Press of America, UPA Reprint Program, March 1989. (The UPA Printing is the fourth printing of the book.)
    • Murguia, Edward. Chicano Intermarriage: A Theoretical and Empirical Study. (San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 1982), 134 pp. Chicano Intermarriage was nominated for the 1983 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Award, American Sociological Association.
    • Murguia, Edward, Tena M. Schultz, Kyriakos S. Markides, and Philip Janson, (eds.). Ethnicity and Aging: A Bibliography. (San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 1984), 132 pp.