Vanessa Gonlin
  • Graduation Date: August 2020
  • Assistant Professor, University of Georgia


Vanessa Gonlin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in Sociology from Texas A&M University, with certificates in Advanced Research Methods, Africana Studies, and Latino/a and Mexican American Studies. Her research and teaching areas of expertise include race and ethnicity, social identities, and social demography. She is particularly interested in bi/multiracials, Black peoples, Latinxs, racial discrimination, colorism, interracial relationships, and dimensions of racial identity. Her work may be found in Race and Social Problems, Sociology of Race & Ethnicity, Sociological Perspectives, and Information, Communication & Society.

Research Interests

  • Racial and Ethnic Relations
  • Racial Identity Dimensions
  • Colorism
  • Interracial Relationships
  • Social Demography