William McIntosh
  • Professor Emeritus


Courses Taught at Texas A&M

  • SOCI 311: Social Change
  • SOCI 330: Sociology of Nutrition
  • SOCI 420: Advanced Research Methods
  • SOCI 425: Medical Sociology
  • SOCI 608: Social Organization
  • SOCI 609: Social Change
  • SOCI 623: Measurement of Sociological Parameters

Research Interests

  • Culture
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Health
  • Health Behavior

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Iowa State University

Selected Publications

    • McIntosh, Wm. Alex and John K. Thomas. 2004. “Economic and Other Determinants of HIV Incidence: An International Comparison.” Sociological Quarterly  45(2):303-324.
    • Kim, Mi Jeong*, William A McIntosh, Jenna Anding, Debra, Reed, Karen Kubena, and Gap-Soon Moon. 2008. “Perceived Parenting Behaviours Predict Young Adolescents’ Nutritional Intake and Body Fatness.” Maternal and Child Nutrition 4 (4):287-303.
    • McIntosh, Wm. Alex, Wesley Dean, Glen Tolle*, Jie-sheng Jan*, Jenna Anding and Karen S Kubena. 2010. “Mothers and Meals: The Effects of Mothers’ Meal Planning and Shopping Motivations on Children’s Participation in Family Meals.” Appetite 55(3): 623-628.
    • Jan, Jie-Sheng*, William A. McIntosh, Wesley Dean, and Morgan Scott. 2010.  “The Relationship between Moral Obligations to Others and Others Influence in Decisions to Utilize Antibiotics in Feedlot Cattle.” Journal of Rural Social Science 25(2): 122-138.
    • McIntosh, Wm Alex, Karen S. Kubena, Glen Tolle*, Wesley Dean, and Jenna Anding. 2011. “Determinants of Time Children Spend Eating at Fast Food and Sit-Down Restaurants – Further Explorations.” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 43(3): 142-149.
    • Thomas, Laura* and William A McIntosh. 2013. “It Just Tastes Better When It’s In Season”: Understanding Why Locavores Eat Close To Home.” Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 8(1):61-72.



    Published articles in the American Journal of Sociology, Sociological Quarterly, Criminology, Social Science Quarterly, Rural Sociology and others.