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College of Arts & Sciences

Course List

Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Version control via Git and Github; code profiling; numerical optimization; writing documentation; creation of R packages; case studies of computational challenges based on modern machine learning methods including regularized logistic regression, k-means clustering, sparse
Prerequisites: Graduate classification or approval of instructor.
Credits 4. 3 Lecture Hours. 2 Lab Hours For students in engineering, physical and mathematicalIntroduction to probability, probability distributions and statistical inference; hypotheses testing; introduction to methods of analysis such as tests of independence, regression, analysis of variance with some consideration of planned
Prerequisite: MATH 152 or MATH 172.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Efficient uses of existing statistical computer programs (SAS, R,); generation of random numbers; using and creating functions and subroutines; statistical graphics; programming of simulation studies; and data management
Prerequisite: MATH 221, MATH 251, or MATH 253.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Programming languages, statistical software and computing environments; development of programming skills using modern methodologies; data extraction and code management; interfacing lower-level languages with data analysis software; simulation; MC integration; MC-MC procedures; permutation tests;
Prerequisite: STAT 612 and STAT 648.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Planning, execution and analysis of sampling from finite populations; simple, stratified, multistage and systematic sampling; ratio
Prerequisite: STAT 601 or STAT 652 or concurrent enrollment in STAT 641.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Multiple, curvilinear, nonlinear, robust, logistic and principal components regression analysis; regression diagnostics, transformations, analysis of
Prerequisite: STAT 601 or STAT 641.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Brief introduction to probability theory; distributions and expectations of random variables, transformations of random variables and order statistics; generating functions and basic limit
Prerequisite: MATH 409 or concurrent enrollment in MATH 409.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Theory of estimation and hypothesis testing; point estimation, interval estimation, sufficient statistics, decision theory, most powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests, chi-square
Prerequisite: STAT 610 or equivalent.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Matrix algebra for statisticians; Gauss-Markov theorem; estimability; estimation subject to linear restrictions; multivariate normal distribution; distribution of quadratic forms; inferences for linear models; theory of multiple regression and AOV; random-and mixed-effects
Prerequisite: Course in linear algebra.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Elements of likelihood inference; exponential family models; group transformation models; survival data; missing data; estimation and hypotheses testing; nonlinear regression models; conditional and marginal inferences; complex models-Markov chains, Markov random fields, time series, and point
Prerequisite: STAT 612.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Probability and measures; expectation and integrals, Kolmogorov's extension theorem; Fubini's theorem; inequalities; uniform integrability; conditional expectation; laws of large numbers; central limit theorems
Prerequisite: STAT 610 or its equivalent.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Survey of the theory of stochastic processes; includes countable-state Markov processes, birth-death processes, Poisson point processes, renewal processes, Brownian motion and diffusion processes and covariance-stationary processes; theoretical development and applications to real world
Prerequisites: STAT 610; MATH 409.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Core methods from traditional multivariate analysis and various extensions; probability distributions of random vectors and matrices, multivariate normal distributions, model assessment and selection in multiple regression, multivariate regression, dimension reduction, linear discriminant analysis, logistic discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling and distance geometry, and correspondence
Prerequisite: STAT 611, STAT 630, STAT 650, or equivalent.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Second course in statistical machine learning; recursive partition and tree-based methods, artificial neural networks, support vector machines, reproducing kernels, committee machines, latent variable methods, component analysis, nonlinear dimensionality reduction and manifold learning, matrix factorization and matrix completion, statistical analysis of tensors and multi-indexed
Prerequisites: STAT 612, STAT 613, and STAT 616.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Review of basic concepts and important convergence theorems; elements of decision theory; delta method; Bahadur representation theorem; asymptotic distribution of MLE and the LRT statistics; asymptotic efficiency; limit theory for U-statistics and differential statistical functionals with illustrations from M-,L-,R-estimation; multiple
Prerequisite: STAT 614.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Conditional expectation; stopping times; discrete Markov processes; birth-death processes; queuing models; discrete semi-Markov processes; Brownian motion; diffusion processes, Ito integrals, theorem and limit distributions; differential statistical functions and their limit distributions; M-,L-,R-
Prerequisite: STAT 614 or STAT 615.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Survey of common tools used by statisticians for high performance computing and big data type problems; shell scripting; HPC clusters; code optimization and vectorization; parallelizing applications using numerical libraries; open MP, MPI and parallel R; data management and revision control using Git; exploration of SQL, survey NOSQL databases; introduction to
Prerequisites: Knowledge of R, Fortran, or C.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Introduction to statistical time series analysis; autocorrelation and spectral characteristics of univariate, autoregressive, moving average models; identification, estimation and
Prerequisite: STAT 601 or STAT 642 or approval of instructor.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Nonparametric function estimation; kernel, local polynomials, Fourier series and spline methods; automated smoothing methods including cross-validation; large sample distributional properties of estimators; recent advances in function
Prerequisite: STAT 611.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Basic probability theory including distributions of random variables andIntroduction to the theory of statistical inference from the likelihood point of view including maximum likelihood estimation, confidence intervals, and likelihood ratioIntroduction to Bayesian
Prerequisites: MATH 221, MATH 251, and MATH 253.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Regression and the capital asset pricing model, statistics for portfolio analysis, resampling, time series models, volatility models, option pricing and Monte Carlo methods, copulas, extreme value theory, value at risk, spline smoothing of term
Prerequisites: STAT 610, STAT 611, STAT 608.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Decision theory; fundamentals of Bayesian inference; single and multi-parameter models; Gaussian model; linear and generalized linear models; Bayesian computations; asymptotic methods; non-iterative MC; MCMC; hierarchical models; nonlinear models; random effect models; survival analysis; spatial
Prerequisite: STAT 613.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Bayesian methods in their research; methodology, and applications of Bayesian methods in bioinformatics, biostatistics, signal processing, machine learning, and related
Prerequisite: STAT 608, STAT 613, STAT 632.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Exploratory analysis of multivariate data using ordination and clustering techniques; supervised learning methods of predictive modeling; regression and classification; model selection and regularization; resampling methods; nonlinear and tree-based models; error rate estimation; use of R
Prerequisites: STAT 630, or STAT 610 and STAT 611; MATH 304.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Uncertainty regarding parameters and how they can be explicitly described as a posterior distribution which blends information from a sampling model and prior distribution; emphasis on modeling and computations under the Bayesian paradigm; includes prior distributions, Bayes Theorem, conjugate and non-conjugate models, posterior simulation via the Gibbs sampler and MCMC, hierarchical
Prerequisites: STAT 630, or equivalent or approval of instructor.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Broad overview of data mining, integrating related concepts from machine learning and statistics; exploratory data analysis, pattern mining, clustering and classification; applications to scientific and onlineCross Listing: ECEN 758 and CSCE 676
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours An application of the various disciplines in statistics to data analysis, introduction to statistical software; demonstration of interplay between probability models and statistical
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in STAT 610 or approval of instructor.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Design and analysis of experiments; scientific method; graphical displays; analysis of nonconventional designs and experiments involving categorical
Prerequisite: STAT 641.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Survey of crucial topics in biostatistics; application of regression in biostatistics; analysis of correlated data; logistic and Poisson regression for binary or count data; survival analysis for censored outcomes; design and analysis of clinical trials; sample size calculation by simulation; bootstrap techniques for assessing statistical significance; data analysis using
Prerequisites: STAT 630, STAT 652, STAT 641, STAT 642, or STAT 611; prior knowledge of matrices and R programming.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours An overview of relevant biological concepts and technologies of genomic/proteomic applications; methods to handle, visualize, analyze, and interpret genomic/proteomic data; exploratory data analysis for genomic/proteomic data; data preprocessing and normalization; hypotheses testing; classification and prediction techniques for using genomic/proteomic data to predict disease
Prerequisites: STAT 604, STAT 651, STAT 652 or equivalent or prior approval of instructor.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Spatial correlation and its effects; spatial prediction (kriging); spatial regression; analysis of point patterns (tests for randomness and modelling patterns); subsampling methods for spatial
Prerequisite: STAT 630 or STAT 611 or equivalent.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Background to conduct research in the development of new methodology in appliedTopics covered will include: exploratory data analysis; sampling; testing; smoothing; classification; time series; and spatial data
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Develop communication skills in teaching, research and statistical consulting; classroom and group exercises, teaching best practices; using simulations in the classroom, techniques to foster active learning environments; developing consulting techniques; communicating research
Prerequisites: Graduate classification in statistics or approval of instructor.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Introduction to both probability and statistics with emphasis on applications in data science; topics include basic probability concepts, sample space, conditional probability, random variables, as well as statistical
Prerequisites: MATH 411 or STAT 414; graduate classification or approval of the instructor.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours For graduate students in other disciplines; non-calculus exposition of the concepts, methods and usage of statistical data analysis; T-tests, analysis of variance and linear
Prerequisite: MATH 102 or equivalent.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Continuation of STAT 651Concepts of experimental design, individual treatment comparisons, randomized blocks and factorial experiments, multiple regression, Chi-squared tests and a brief introduction to covariance, non-parametric methods and sample
Prerequisite: STAT 651.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Advanced topics in ANOVA; analysis of covariance; and regression analysis including analysis of messy data; non-linear regression; logistic and weighted regression; diagnostics and model building; emphasis on concepts; computing and
Prerequisite: STAT 652.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Aspects of numerical analysis for statisticians and data scientists including matrix inversion, splines, function optimization and MCMC; emphasis on implementing methods in R and python; data science skills such as code profiling, web scraping and data
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of R or Python.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Introduction to data mining and will demonstrate the procedures; Optimal prediction decisions; comparing and deploying predictive models; neural networks; constructing and adjusting tree models; the construction and evaluation of multi-stage
Prerequisite: STAT 408 or equivalent.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Programming with SAS/IML, programming in SAS Data step, advanced use of various SAS
Prerequisites: STAT 604.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Introduction to analysis and interpretation of categorical data using ANOVA/regression analogs; includes contingency tables, loglinear models, logistic regression; use of computer software such as SAS, GLIM,
Prerequisite: STAT 601, STAT 641 or STAT 652 or equivalent.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Examination of aspects of semiparametric regression, especially involving generalized linear models such as logistic regression, and inclusion of completely nonparametric regression, partially linear models, additive models and grouped data including longitudinal data; topics include shape constraints, spatial models, robustness and accounting for missing
Prerequisites: STAT 408 or STAT 608, or equivalent.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Advanced wavelet-based algorithms designed for summarization of large and noisy data sets for subsequent statistical modeling and learning; theoretical component providing unified multiresolution-based framework for efficient modeling, synthesis, analysis, and processing of broad classes of signals and images; applications in geosciences, biomedical signal processing, signal and image denoising, medical diagnostics, financial data
Prerequisite: Familiarity with computing in MATLAB, Octave, Python; STAT 627 or approval of instructor.
Credits 1 to 3. 1 to 3 Lecture Hours Review of the fundamental concepts and techniques of statistics; topics included in Advanced Placement Statistics; exploring data, planning surveys and experiments, exploring models, statistical
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Introduction to diverse modes of analysis now available to solve for univariate time series; basic problems of parameter estimation, spectral analysis, forecasting and model
Prerequisite: STAT 611 or equivalent.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Continuation of STAT 673Multiple time series, ARMA models, test of hypotheses, estimation of spectral density matrix, transfer function and
Prerequisites: STAT 673.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Spatial statistics from an advanced perspective; Gaussian processes; Gaussian Markov random fields; positive definite functions; nonstationary and multivariate process; hierarchical spatial models; measurement error; change of support; computational approaches for large spatial data sets; spatio-temporal
Prerequisites: STAT 612, STAT 613, and STAT 632.
Credit 1. 1 Lecture Hour. Oral presentations of special topics and current research inMay be repeated for
Prerequisite: Graduate classification in statistics.
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours Application of data science methods including machine learning to research problems; team project-based training for project management, interdisciplinary collaboration and communication
Prerequisite: Two or more of CSCE 633, CSCE 636, CSCE 666, CSCE 676, ECEN 758, ECEN 649, ECEN 740, ECEN 743, ECEN 765, ECEN 760, STAT 616, STAT 618 or STAT 639; Python programming experience is highly recommended. Cross Listing: CSCE 725 and ECEN 725.
Credits 1 to 3. 1 to 3 Other Hours Practicum in statistical consulting for students in PhDStudents will be assigned consulting problems brought to the Department of Statistics by researchers in other
Prerequisite: STAT 642 or its equivalent.
Credits 1 to 6. 1 to 6 Other Hours Individual instruction in selected fields in statistics; investigation of special topics not within scope of thesis research and not covered by other formal
Prerequisites: Graduate classification and approval of department head.
Credits 1 to 4. 1 to 4 Lecture Hours Selected topics in an identified area ofOpen to non-May be repeated for
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.
Credits 1 to 23. 1 to 23 Other Hours Research for thesis or
Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
Credits 2. 2 Lecture Hours Application of various statistical methods, including but not limited to, experimental design, sampling and survey, graphics and tables and all sorts of modeling and data mining techniques, to solve real problems; communication with clients and identification of the statistical problems to be solved, outlining of a project plan for solving a statistical problem, use of proper statistical software or methodology needed for the problem; creation of a statistical report for the problemMay be repeated four times forMust be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory
Prerequisite: STAT 642 or equivalent.
Credit 1. 1 Lecture Hour. Provision of consulting service to researchers from various disciplines at Texas A&M; integration of statistical learning in class and application to real world problems; identification of clients' statistical problems; consideration and implementation of statistical procedures; effective communication with clients for interpretation of results and promotion of ethical guidelines in statisticalMay be repeated one time forMust be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory
Prerequisite: STAT 648.
Credit 1. 1 Lecture Hour. Familiarize the present status of research in a wide variety of new areas of statistical research; content will vary from semester to semester but will always be framed around introducing new researchMay be taken six times for
Prerequisites: Graduate classification in the Department of Statistics or approval of instructor.