Michael Alvard
- Associate Professor
- Cultural Program Coordinator
- Office: Anthropology 235B
- Phone: 979-458-2599
- Email: alvard@tamu.edu

Allison Hopkins
- Associate Professor
- Director of Undergraduate Studies
- Food, Nutrition, and Culture Bridging Theme Committee Chair
- Office: Anthropology 309H
- Phone: 979-862-9179
- Email: hopkins@tamu.edu

Catharina Laporte
- Instructional Professor
- Office: Anthropology 227
- Phone: 979-845-5242
- Email: claporte@tamu.edu

Sergio Lemus
- Assistant Professor
- Director of the Transborder Migration and Ethnography Lab
- Distinguished Lecture Series Coordinator
- Office: Anthropology 226
- Email: slemus@tamu.edu

Cynthia Werner
- Professor
- Senior Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, College of Arts & Sciences
- Office: Academic 428
- Email: werner@tamu.edu

Jeffrey Winking
- Professor
- Director of Graduate Studies
- Office: Anthropology 309J
- Phone: (979) 458-5627
- Email: jwinking@tamu.edu