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College of Arts & Sciences

Every international student in the Department of Chemistry must pass the English Language Proficiency Examination (ELPE) to be eligible for a Teaching Assistantship. International students are only exempt if they have completed a 4 year undergraduate degree from a US institution.

The ELPE is administered upon your arrival at TAMU. If sections of the ELPE are not passed, you will be required to enroll in the corresponding course in the English Language Institute (ELI) and you will be responsible for any tuition costs.

The Department of Chemistry will support you as a Graduate Assistant-Non-Teaching (GANT) for your first semester only. This GANT assignment does not fulfill the laboratory teaching requirement for the Graduate Program. You are expected to pass the ELPE before the beginning of your first semester year. After this time, you will no longer be considered to be in good standing. You will have until the end of your second semester to complete the English requirements. If have not completed the requirement by the end of your second semester you are subject to dismissal from the program.