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College of Arts & Sciences

Students seeking a minor in chemistry must complete the Declaration of Minor in Chemistry form and have it approved by the undergraduate advisor in chemistry (Room 104 Chemistry) and their academic advisor. A minor in Chemistry should represent course work taken in the discipline beyond courses that might be used to satisfy core curriculum science requirements (8 credits). Therefore, though CHEM 101/111 or CHEM 107 and CHEM 102/112 are prerequisites to all of the listed courses, they are not considered part of the minor program. The course work listed (17-20 credits) represents various sub-disciplines within the field of Chemistry and would give the student an overall knowledge base fitting a Minor in Chemistry. This is consistent with the statement on minors published by the American Chemical Society.

The student will choose FIVE lecture courses (14-15 credits) and THREE laboratory courses (3-5 credits) from categories A-E below. The student must take at least one course from FOUR of the FIVE categories. Students must have a C average in all courses taken for a minor in Chemistry. CHEM 491 and 485 credits will not be allowed to count for the minor nor used in the Chemistry GPA calculation. Substitution of courses without the CHEM prefix will not be allowed.

A) Organic Chemistry

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite
Chem 227 Organic Chemistry I 3 CHEM 102 or CHEM 120
Chem 237 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I 1 CHEM 112 or 120; CHEM 227 or registration therein
Chem 228 Organic Chemistry II 3 CHEM 227
Chem 238 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II 1 CHEM 237; CHEM 228 or registration therein


B) Analytical Chemistry

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite
CHEM 315* Quantitative Analysis 3 CHEM 102 or CHEM 104
CHEM 316*† Quantitative Analysis 2 CHEM 102 or CHEM 104
CHEM 318 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory 1 CHEM 112 or 114; CHEM 315 or 316 or registration therein
* Students may not count both CHEM 315 and 316
† Fall 2022 will the last semester this course is offered at College Station


C) Physical Chemistry

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite
CHEM 310 Elements of Physical Chemistry 3 CHEM 102 or CHEM 120; MATH 151 and MATH 152, MATH 140 and MATH 142, MATH 141 and MATH 142, or MATH 147 and MATH 148, or equivalent; PHYS 201 or PHYS 218, or PHYS 206 and PHYS 226; Galveston campus only.
CHEM 311 Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1 CHEM 310, CHEM 322, or CHEM 327, or concurrent enrollment; Galveston campus only.
CHEM 322* Physical Chemistry for Engineers 3 CHEM 102 or 104; CHEN 205 and 354; MATH 152 or equivalent
CHEM 325 Physical Chemistry Laboratory I 1 CHEM 322 or 327 or registration therein
CHEM 326 Physical Chemistry Laboratory II 1 CHEM 328 or registration therein
CHEM 327* Physical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 102 or 120 and MATH 152 or 172; MATH 221, 251 or 253 encouraged; PHYS 208 or PHYS 207; PHYS 218 or PHYS 207
CHEM 328 Physical Chemistry II 3 CHEM 327
* Students may not count both CHEM 322 and 327


D) Inorganic Chemistry

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite
CHEM 362 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry 3 CHEM 102 or CHEM 104
CHEM 383 Environmental Chemistry (TAMUG only) 3 CHEM 102 or CHEM 104; junior or senior standing


E) Advanced Chemistry Courses (0-3 credits)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite
CHEM 415 Analytical Chemistry 3 CHEM 315
CHEM 433 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 2 CHEM 112 or 120; CHEM 362 or registration therein
CHEM 434 Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory 2 CHEM 112 or 120; CHEM 415 or registration therein
CHEM 446 Organic Chemistry III 3 CHEM 228
CHEM 456 Chemical Biology 3 CHEM 228
CHEM 462 Inorganic Chemistry 3 CHEM 328 and CHEM 362
CHEM 464 Nuclear Chemistry 3 CHEM 315 and CHEM 328 or approval of instructor
CHEM 466 Polymer Chemistry 3 CHEM 228 and CHEM 315
CHEM 470 Industrial Chemistry 3 CHEM 228; junior or senior classification
CHEM 483 Green Chemistry 3 CHEM228; junior or senior classification; CHEM362 recommended
CHEM 489 Special Topics 3 junior or senior classification; other prerequisites depend on topic