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College of Arts & Sciences

If You Must Evacuate The Building:

  • This plan becomes operational upon the activation of a fire alarm anywhere within the Chemistry Building Complex.
  • Each floor in each of the five wings of the Chemistry Building Complex has two assigned Floor Monitors and one Personnel Coordinator. It is the Floor Monitor's responsibility to insure that all occupants of the floor have heard the alarm or notice to evacuate and understand that evacuation is required. The Floor Monitor will perform a quick, thorough search of the floor to determine if the cause for alarm originated from that floor. It is the Personnel Coordinator's responsibility to compile a listing of all occupants of that floor. Also, if a physical handicap limits the ability of a building occupant to evacuate quickly and safely, the Personnel Coordinator and Floor Monitor should be notified so alternative plans can be made.
  • When an alarm sounds, or the Floor Monitors announce that an evacuation is in progress, all personnel must begin evacuation at once.
  • As you leave the laboratory or office, check quickly to determine if all co-workers have started to evacuate. Check any side rooms, walk-in fume hoods and other isolated work areas where personnel may be unaware of the order to evacuate. The last person out should close, but not lock the door to the laboratory or office.
  • Remember to take any valuable personal items, such as purses, wallets and keys.
  • All personnel must familiarize themselves with the most rapid means of escape from their laboratory or office. Evacuation maps are posted in all hallways and are attached (Charts 2-7) to this document.
  • An alternative means of escape should also be noted for those emergencies where the first exit is blocked or rendered impassable.
  • Never use the elevators if a fire situation exists; take the stairs instead.
  • Once you have evacuated the building, it is imperative that you go immediately to your assigned Assembly Area and check in with the Personnel Coordinator. Regardless of where you may be in the building, or which exit you use during an evacuation, make sure you return to your assigned Assembly Area. If you do not check in, rescue personnel will be unsure as to whether or not you have evacuated safely. Assembly Areas for each wing are indicated on the floor maps, please familiarize yourself with the location where you must check in.
  • It is understood that some equipment, instrumentation and reactions cannot be left unattended. Emergency shutdown procedures specific to each laboratory must be developed in advance, and, at the notice of evacuation, these procedures must be put into action immediately. The person or persons responsible for these shutdown procedures must notify, in advance, the Floor Monitors and Personnel Coordinator for their area of their shutdown responsibility. These persons may remain in the laboratory only as long as it takes to secure the area. When this is accomplished, these persons must report to the Assembly Area and notify the Personnel Coordinator that they have evacuated safely.
  • All personnel must remain outside the building until the Personnel Coordinators receive word from the Scene Manager that "no danger" exists.