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College of Arts & Sciences

Our Ph.D. program provides a rigorous and thorough education, under a very dynamic and interactive environment, aimed at preparing our students to assume leadership positions as researchers in academia, industry, government labs and similar settings. Our students conduct research on one of the several areas that represent the diversity and scope of our faculty's expertise:

Algebra Algebraic Geometry Applied Mathematics
Approximation Theory Combinatorics Complex Analysis
Control Theory Differential Equations Differential Geometry
Functional Analysis Fluid Dynamics Geometric Group Th.
Math. Material Sciences Mathematical Physics Mathematical Biology
Number Theory Numerical Analysis Operator Theory
Probability Theory Representation Theory Topology/Alg. Topology


Program requirements are based upon the premise that Ph.D. students should have a broad exposure to graduate level mathematics, as well as experience doing mathematical research in an area of specialization. To achieve this goal, we offer a wide spectrum of courses each semester from our extensive Curriculum.

Our program has developed an Interdisciplinary Track for the Ph.D. degree, which originated from the various active collaborations between our department and other academic units at Texas A&M University, many of which involve faculty members with joint appointments in these units. Students in this option will obtain the same rigorous training in mathematics as any student in the Ph.D. program, but this track places responsibility upon a student’s advisory committee to devise a course of study with sufficient depth and breadth to prepare the student for an interdisciplinary mathematical career. The advisory committee must include a co-mentor in the department representing the related discipline.

In order to obtain the doctoral degree, a student must comply with the following set of requirements.


Ph.D. degree in Mathematics

Ph.D. degree in Mathematics - Interdisciplinary Track

Steps to the Ph.D. Degree

The steps necessary to obtain the Ph.D. degree are summarized below. View the fully detailed timetable for more information and links regarding the Ph.D. program.

  • In the first two years of studies, a typical student engages in coursework designed to support the fulfillment of the Qualifying Requirements (a combination of qualifying exams and course sequences) and the fulfillment of the Subject Area Breadth Requirements. If a student has decided to follow the Interdisciplinary Track, they should make an informal declaration of this to the Graduate Office so that exam and breadth fulfillment can be tracked accordingly.
  • Then the student should form a Ph.D. advisory committee (4 members: 3 in math, 1 outside of math), submit a degree plan (at this point, they should formally declare which Ph.D. track they are pursuing) and engage in a combination of coursework, seminars and directed studies aimed at preparing the student for the Preliminary Exam and for conducting research towards the dissertation.
  • After passing the Preliminary Exam, completing the formal coursework and submitting a Research Proposal, the student is admitted to candidacy.
  • At this point the only task left is the completion of the Dissertation and its Final Defense (note: there must be at least 14 weeks between the Preliminary Exam and the Final Defense).