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College of Arts & Sciences

The Constitution for the Texas A&M Chapter of the MAA

Article I. Name
     The name of this student organization shall be known as MAA.

Article II. Purpose

Section I. Purpose
     The purpose of MAA is to encourage students to continue study in the mathematical sciences, provide opportunity to meet with other students interested in mathematics, interact with prominent mathematicians at national meetings, and provide career information in the mathematical sciences.

Section II. Goals
     The traditions and mission of the MAA lead to four major program goals towards which most activities of the Association are aimed: education, professional development, students, and public policy. These goals express the mission of the Association in particular terms:

 •   Education. Stimulate effective teaching, learning, and assessment in the mathematical sciences.
 •   Professional Development. Foster scholarship, professional development, and a spirit of association among mathematical scientists.
 •   Students. Enhance the interests, talents, and achievements of all individuals in the mathematical sciences, especially of members of underrepresented groups.
 •   Public Policy. Influence institutional and public policy through effective advocacy for the importance, uses, and needs of the mathematical sciences.

Article III. Membership

Section I. Requirements
     Membership is open to all students who are interested in mathematics. There are no scholastic requirements; students need not have a particular class standing or grade point average and they need not be mathematics majors.

Section II. Removal of a Member
     A member who has allegedly committed any of the following actions, as per described in TAMU Student Rules, will be subject to disciplinary review.
 •   Physical abuse
 •   Sexual misconduct
 •   Hazing
 •   Harassment
 •   Breaching campus safety or security
 •   Academic dishonesty

     During the disciplinary review, the officers and the advisor will take into consideration the decision of Texas A&M University or the appropriate department of the University concerning the allegations. The member will be given written notice of the review and will have an opportunity to address the officers and the advisor on the issue. If the officers and the advisor unanimously agree that the member no longer belongs in the organization, the offender will permanently lose membership in MAA at Texas A&M University.

Article IV. Officers

Section I. Requirements
     The officers of this organization must meet the following requirements: a) have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average, have at least a 2.00 grade point ratio in the semester immediately prior to the election, the semester of election and semesters during the term of office. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours must have been taken for that semester. In one limited circumstance, summer hours may be applied to this provision. In order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point ratio prior to election, at least six hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer session(s); b) be in good standing with the university and enrolled in at least six credit hours (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semester) during the term of office; c) be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (a) and (b).

Section II. Officers and Duties

     President: shall preside over regular and officer meetings, coordinate activities, and communicate with the officers and advisor on all matters.

     Vice President: shall assist president and preside over meetings in the absence of the president. The Vice President shall also coordinate the monthly problem solving competition.

     Treasurer: shall collect dues, pay bills, and oversee other monetary transactions including fund raising and social activities.

     Communications/Publicity Coordinator: (optional) shall arrange for monthly speakers. He/She will have all information on the speaker at least two weeks prior to each meeting. The Communications/Publicity Coordinator shall also coordinate all publicity efforts such as posters and e-mails and communicate with the math department.

     Actuary Chair: (optional) shall provide information to members about the actuarial profession in general as well as information about internships and exams.

Section III. Election process
     Elections shall be held at the first regular meeting of the spring semester. A simple majority vote will win. Newly elected officers shall be in training for the spring semester and assume responsibility at the first meeting of the fall semester.

Section IV. Removal of an Officer
     An officer has not fulfilled the position responsibilities, may be put under conduct review. During conduct review, the remaining officers and the advisor will conduct a study into the officers accomplishments. The officer will be given written notice or the review and will have an opportunity to address the remaining officers and the advisor concerning the issue. If the remaining officers and advisor unanimously agree that the officer has not performed his/her duties, he/she will be stripping of his/her title and a new officer will be elected.

     An officer who has allegedly committed any of the following actions, as per described in TAMU Student Rules, will be subject to the same disciplinary review as any other member.
 •   Physical abuse
 •   Sexual misconduct
 •   Hazing
 •   Harassment
 •   Breaching campus safety or security
 •   Academic dishonesty

Article V. Advisor
     The advisor shall be held to all the duties and responsibilities outlined in the most recent advisor agreement letter distributed by Student Activities.

Article VI. Meetings

Section I. Dues
     Dues shall be in accordance with the national MAA dues.

Section II. Financial Transactions
     All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for MAA at the Student Organization Finance Center and/or the Fiscal Office. All funds must be deposited within 24 hours after collection. The advisor to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment.

Article VIII. Amendments
     This constitution may be amended at any time by a three-fifths vote of the officers, subject to the approval of the Director of Student Activities.