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College of Arts & Sciences

Floor Monitors

When a fire alarm sounds, Floor Monitors will proceed immediately to their assigned floor. Evacuation of all personnel should already be in progress and the Floor Monitors will ensure that all floor occupants have heard, and are responding to, the evacuation notice. The Floor Monitors should be able to account for any remaining occupants or verify that all other occupants have retreated to the Evacuation Assembly Area:

Reference Chart 3

'28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
'32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
'59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
'72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
'86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

Upon arrival to the assigned floor, the Monitors, unless notified otherwise, should assume the plan has been activated by a fire, and should seize the closest fire extinguisher and carry it with them as they conduct a room-by-room sweep of the entire floor, checking as they go for signs of fire or smoke. This should be done in such a manner that the Floor Monitors never lose sight of one another for more that brief moments.

  1. If no problem is seen on the floor, the Floor Monitors should proceed directly to the Wing Leader and report their findings. The Floor Monitors should then proceed to the Evacuation Assembly Area:

    Reference Chart 3

    '28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
    '32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
    '59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
    '72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
    '86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

    and check in with the Personnel Coordinator. After checking in, the Floor Monitors should report, as needed, to an assigned building entrance to stop the re-entry of unauthorized personnel until the "all-clear" is given.

  2. If a controllable fire is sighted on the floor, the Floor Monitors may proceed to extinguish the fire through the use of fire extinguishers as appropriate. One Floor Monitor should remain on site after the fire is extinguished to ensure it does not flash up again, while the second Monitor should report immediately to the Wing Leader. If notification is not received from the Floor Monitor within a reasonable length of time, the Wing Leader will assume that there is trouble on the floor and this information will be relayed to the Scene Manager.

  3. If an uncontrollable fire is sighted on the floor, the Floor Monitors must evacuate at once. The Wing Leader must be notified immediately of the impending danger and all Emergency Response Team members must evacuate to the Evacuation Assembly Area:

    Reference Chart 3

    '28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
    '32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
    '59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
    '72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
    '86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

    where they must check in with the Personnel Coordinator.

Personnel Coordinators

Personnel Coordinators will be responsible for maintaining an accurate roster of all floor occupants. This will include graduate students, undergraduate student workers who may be employed, departmental staff, research scientists and faculty. Updated rosters should be given to the Wing Leader on the first day of each month.

When a fire alarm sounds or a notice of evacuation is given, the Personnel Coordinator will take the floor roster and proceed immediately to the Evacuation Assembly Area:

Reference Chart 3

'28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
'32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
'59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
'72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
'86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

Once in position, this person will begin to account for all floor personnel. It is understood that certain personnel will be delayed in checking in at the Evacuation assembly Area:

Reference Chart 3

'28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
'32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
'59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
'72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
'86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

because they will need to perform emergency shutdown procedures. These individuals must give prior notice of such activities, and the Floor Monitors and Wing Leader will be kept informed upon their arrival. When all personnel are accounted for, this information will be relayed directly to the Wing Leader. If all personnel cannot be accounted for, the Personnel Coordinator must get the names of those unaccounted for and report them to the Wing Leader.

Wing Leaders

When a fire alarm is activated, the Wing Leader of the affected wing should proceed directly to the fire panel of that wing. The fire panel will indicate the location of the alarm that has been tripped so that the Wing Leader will know the approximate location of the problem. This information will be relayed to the Scene Manager. The Wing Leader will remain at this position until all Floor Monitors have reported in as to the condition of their respective floors, and all Personnel Coordinators have accounted for all floor occupants. This information will be relayed to the Scene Manager as quickly as it becomes available.

  1. If Floor Monitors report their floor as clear, the Wing Leader shall send the Monitors out to the Evacuation Assembly Area:

    Reference Chart 3

    '28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
    '32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
    '59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
    '72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
    '86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

    to check in with the Personnel Coordinator and then have them report to entrances of the building where they will remain to keep out all unauthorized personnel.

  2. If a Floor Monitor reports a fire that has been extinguished by either the Floor Monitor or a building occupant, this information will be passed on to the Scene Manager. The Wing Leader will then proceed to the site of the fire and make a determination as to the safety of the wing. The Wing Leader will then advise the Scene Manager as to the decision to issue an "all-clear".

  3. If a Floor Monitor reports a fire that is out of control, the Wing Leader will issue an order for immediate evacuation of all remaining Team members. This information will be relayed to the Scene Manager immediately, pinpointing as accurately as possible the location and extent of the problem. In addition the Wing Leader will assess what special supplies may be needed and report this information to the Scene Manager so that the gathering of resources may commence. The Wing Leader and remaining personnel will proceed to the evacuation area immediately and check in with the Personnel Coordinator.

Safety Officer

At the activation of the Emergency Response Plan by a fire alarm within the Chemistry Building Complex, the Safety Officer will proceed to the Command Center, which will normally be the Business Office, unless that Wing is affected by the fire threat. If the Wing containing the Business Office is affected, the Command Center will be established in the area of the water fountain in the plaza west of the building.

The primary responsibility of the Safety Officer will be to advise the Scene Manager on matters related to health and safety during a fire situation. A primary concern will be the level of protection required of the University's HazMat Team if it becomes necessary to enter a contaminated area to mitigate a chemical release emergency. If a laboratory is involved in the fire, the decision whether to fight the fire locally will be made based on the materials present in the laboratory and their potential for involvement.

The Safety Officer will have the authority to terminate a local emergency response activity based on safety considerations and potential for life-threatening exposure. If the decision is made to stand down until professional firefighters arrive, the Safety Officer will brief the firefighters as to the chemical and physical hazards they may encounter and if it is necessary to call for a general evacuation of all Wings, based on the potential for exposure to toxic fumes.

If the Scene Manager is not within the Chemistry Building Complex when an emergency situation arises, the Safety Officer will assume those responsibilities.

Scene Manager

The Scene Manager will act as a liaison between the Environmental Health & Safety Office and Emergency Dispatch. This person will maintain radio or telephone contact with Emergency Dispatch while investigating a fire alarm. As soon as word is received as to the nature of the emergency, this information will be passed on, and the appropriate emergency personnel will be summoned. The Scene Manager then will remain at the Command Center until it becomes apparent that a general evacuation is required. The Scene Manager will set up a temporary Command Center at the base of the water fountain on the west side of the building.

At the Command Center, the Scene Manager will receive information from all Wing Leaders regarding the status of their respective Wings. Of primary concern is the determination as to whether a state of emergency exists. This will become evident as the Floor Monitors report in with the condition of their various floors. As soon a report of emergency is confirmed from the Floor Monitors, the Scene Manager will alert Emergency Dispatch of the need for assistance. While awaiting the arrival of the professional emergency crews, the Scene Manager will continue to gather information. Of primary importance at this point is the information from the Personnel Coordinator as to which, if any, personnel are not accounted for and their most probable locations. Upon arrival of the professional firefighters, the Scene Manager will provide them with this information.

The Scene Manager will be responsible for notifying the Environmental Health & Safety HazMat Team if a situation exists which will require their level of training and equipment.

After the emergency situation has terminated, or when the Wing Leaders declare that all floors are safe (such as during a false alarm), the Scene Manager will inspect the affected area and issue the all-clear signal. At this time, the building may be re-entered. A Debriefing meeting shall be held with the affected Wing Leader, Safety Officer And Scene Manager following the incident to discuss any problems encountered.