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College of Arts & Sciences

When the Scene manager receives notification of a chemical spill or toxic gas release which could endanger the health and safety of the Chemistry Building personnel, the order for immediate evacuation will be given by activation of the fire alarm system. In addition, due to the need for quick action to protect personnel from the rapid spread of toxic fumes, evacuation notice may be given by any knowledgeable person who is aware of a dangerous chemical release. This will be accomplished by the activation of the fire alarm system through the use of one of the pull stations.

Floor Monitors

Floor Monitors must be ready to respond quickly to notification of a chemical release. They will proceed immediately to their assigned floors and begin the sweep of their floor. Floor Monitors must ensure the rapid evacuation of all building occupants and account for all personnel who remain behind to perform shutdown procedures within the labs.

  1. If the chemical release is not on the assigned floor, the Floor Monitor should report this information directly to the Wing Leader. The Floor Monitors should then proceed to the Evacuation Assembly Area:

    Reference Chart 3

    '28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
    '32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
    '59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
    '72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
    '86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

    and check in with the Personnel Coordinator. After checking in, the Floor Monitors should report to an assigned entrance to stop the re-entry of un-authorized personnel until the "all-clear" is given.

  2. If the chemical release has occurred on the assigned floor, the Floor Monitor must immediately evacuate. Under no circumstances should the Floor Monitor investigate the spill area or search the floor for downed personnel. It is not the responsibility of the Floor Monitor to conduct search and rescue missions. Without proper protective equipment and training, the Floor Monitors may be overcome by the vapors and become victims themselves. It is better to retreat from the area and make a report to the Wing Leader as to conditions that were noted during the evacuation. At that time, the University's HazMat Team can take over at the chemical release site. It is important that the Floor Monitors proceed to the Evacuation Assembly Area:

    Reference Chart 3

    '28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
    '32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
    '59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
    '72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
    '86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

    and check in with the Personnel Coordinator. After checking in, the Floor Monitor may then report, as needed, to an assigned building entrance to stop the re-entry of unauthorized personnel.

Personnel Coordinators

Personnel Coordinators will be responsible for maintaining an accurate roster of all floor occupants. This will include graduate students, undergraduate student workers who may be employed, departmental staff, research scientists and faculty. Updated rosters should be given to the Wing Leader on the first business day of each month.

When a fire alarm sounds or a notice of evacuation is given, the Personnel Coordinator will take the floor roster and proceed immediately to the Evacuation Assembly Area:

Reference Chart 3

'28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
'32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
'59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
'72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
'86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

Once in position, this person will begin to account for all floor personnel. It is understood that certain personnel will be delayed in checking in at the Evacuation Assembly Area:

Reference Chart 3

'28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
'32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
'59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
'72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
'86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

because they will need to perform emergency shutdown procedures. These individuals must give prior notice of such activities and the Floor Monitors and Wing Leader will be informed upon their arrival. When all personnel are accounted for, this information will be relayed directly to the Wing Leader. If all personnel can not be accounted for, the Personnel Coordinator must get the names of those unaccounted for to the Wing Leader.

Wing Leaders

Upon notification of a chemical release or activation of the fire alarm system, the Wing Leader of the affected wing should proceed directly to the fire alarm panel of that wing. The fire panel will indicate the location of the alarm if a pull station has been activated, and will serve as a centralized position accessible from within and outside the building. If an alarm has been activated, the Wing Leader will relay this information to the Scene Manager. The Wing Leader will remain at this position until all Floor Monitors have reported in as to the condition of their respective floors, and all Personnel Coordinators have accounted for all floor occupants. This information will be relayed to the Scene Manager as soon as it becomes available.

  1. If Floor Monitors report their floor as clear, the Wing Leader shall send the Monitor out to the Evacuation Assembly Area:

    Reference Chart 3

    '28 Wing: Across Ross Street in Front of Geosciences
    '32 Wing: Chemistry Mall by fountain-West side
    '59 Wing: Mall between Chemistry Building And Francis Hall
    '72 Wing: Parking Lot 23
    '86 Wing: Across Ross Street by Doherty Building

    to check in with the Personnel Coordinator and then have them report to entrances of the building where they will remain to keep out all unauthorized personnel.

  2. If a Floor Monitor reports a chemical release, this information will be passed on to the Scene Manager immediately. The Wing Leader will issue an order for immediate evacuation of all remaining team members. The Wing Leader and remaining personnel will proceed to the evacuation area immediately and check in with the Personnel Coordinator.

Safety Officer

When notification of a chemical release is given, the Safety Officer will report immediately to the Command Center. As information becomes available regarding the nature of the chemical spill, the Safety Officer will be responsible for making decisions on what actions are necessary. If there is doubt concerning what chemical has been spilled, a general evacuation of the Wing should be ordered to prevent exposure to neighboring personnel. The order to evacuate rests with the Scene Manager, although the Safety Officer or any other informed person may announce a general evacuation by pulling the fire alarm at any pull station.

The Safety Officer will make recommendations and oversee the clean up effort for chemicals that have been identified as acutely toxic or pose a high risk of chronic toxicity, the Safety Officer will recommend that the University's HazMat Team be alerted.

Once the dangerous situation has abated, the Safety Officer will recommend to the Scene Manager that the emergency evacuation be terminated, and that the Scene manager may announce the "all-clear".

The Safety Officer will make a full report of the spill to the University's Environmental Health and Safety Office.

Scene Manager

When a chemical release is reported within the Chemistry Building Complex, the Scene Manager must assume that a serious situation exists and should act quickly to activate the Emergency Response Plan. This should be done through one of the fire pull stations. The Scene Manager will use the Business Office, Room 119, of the Chemistry Building, as the Incident Command Post as long as this position remains in the Safe Zone. If the Business Office must be evacuated, a temporary Command Post will be set up within a safe area at the base of the water fountain on the west side of the building. The Scene Manager will remain at the Command Post throughout the incident to direct all emergency activities. Decisions on how to proceed will be made based on all information supplied by the Wing Leaders, Safety Officer and any other informed personnel.

The Scene Manager will notify outside agencies, as needed, to assist with the emergency situation. Radio contact will be maintained between the Scene Manager and outside agencies, as well as with the University's HazMat Team.

Upon termination of the clean-up operation, the Scene Manager will determine when the building is safe, based on information supplied by the University's HazMat Team and Safety Officer, and may authorize the re-entry of all personnel.