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College of Arts & Sciences

Introduction of Jane Sell, Cooley-Mead Award 2017

By Murray Webster, Jr.
Social Psychology Quarterly, 2018

Definitions and the Development of Theory in Social Psychology

By Jane Sell
Social Psychology Quarterly, 2018

Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences

By Murray Webster, Jane Sell (Editors)
Academic Press, 2014

The Effect of Status on Role-Taking Accuracy

By Tony P. Love, Jenny L. Davis
American Sociological Review, 2014

The Generation and Effects of a Stigma in Small Groups: A Formal Theory and Test

By D’Lane R. Compton
Dissertation, Texas A&M University, 2007

Using Task Definition to Modify Racial Inequality Within Task Groups

By Carla Goar, Jane Sell
The Sociological Quarterly, 2005