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College of Arts & Sciences

Project Description

This project investigates whether attitudes toward immigration vary based on close residence to the Southern border, as well as by race/ethnicity. We investigate whether people who are more anti-immigration are also more likely to self-classify as Whites (even if they also have other identifications, such as Latine). Previous studies have shown that Latine people who are more anti-immigration also tend to self-classify as Whites, which indicates the potential for reverse causality. We will also investigate whether people with the same skin tone might have different ethnoracial self-identifications and attitudes toward immigration. We analyze secondary data from the General Social Survey (GSS) and American Community Survey (ACS). We will also conduct primary data collection with the implementation of in-depth interviews and surveys to test different approaches to measure race/ethnicity, self-identification, and skin tone. This analysis expands on previous research, collecting data from a wide range of ethnoracial groups.

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